特朗普去年競選時承諾興建美墨圍牆、禁止穆斯林進入美國等,贏得不少選民支持,助他入主白宮,但近期他已在多項議題放 ...全文
較早時終於看了一部紀錄片《荷里活的中國水墨:黃齊耀作品》(Chinese Brushstrokes in Ho ...全文
美國總統奧巴馬周二宣布, 因向維基解密(WikiLeaks)洩密而被判囚35年的前美軍士兵曼寧(Chelsea ...全文
Airbus Group plans to test a prototype for a self-piloted flying car by the end of the year as a way of avoiding gridlock on city roads. Airbus last year formed a division called Urban Air Mobility t ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-17
身為所謂世界民主燈塔的美國,眼下行為詭異。一位總統候選人比她的對手多贏近300萬張選票,而她的對手在敵對外國勢 ...全文
今日信報理財投資博集先機Alan S. Blinder2017年01月10日
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen arrived in Honduras on Sunday for a closely watched four-nation Central American visit but, in China at least, there was much more interest in her stopovers in the Unit ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-09
The United States, supposedly the world's beacon of democracy, is practicing a strange form of it nowadays. One presidential candidate won nearly three million more votes than her opponent, who, with ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-29
早前著名德國設計師Konstantin Grcic為了他歷來最大型、首度登陸亞洲的個人展覽《大觀》(Konst ...全文
跟台灣維持外交關係的國家本已寥寥無幾,碩果僅存的邦交國亦絕大部分是開發程度甚低的蕞爾小國,如今外交小圈子更形勢 ...全文
US billionaire Bill Gates has teamed up with other business leaders, including Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma, to launch a US$1 billion clean-technology fund. The fund, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, wi ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-13
美國候任總統特朗普周四展開謝票之旅,預告周一(5日)會提名有「癲狗」(Mad Dog)之稱的退役將軍馬蒂斯(J ...全文