
共 1715 個結果
頁數:1...78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86


英國葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金機構(Wine & Spirit Education Trust,簡稱WSET ...全文



印度,正如其旅遊局的口號「Incredible India」一樣,是一個不可思議的國家。印度是如此的一體多面, ...全文


斷層錯動淺層地震 破壞嚴重

專家指出,今次熊本縣地震主要是布田川—日奈久斷層帶導致,由於震源深度僅11公里,屬斷層錯動的淺層地震,因而造成 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年04月16日


... 00606.SH)、越秀地產(00123)、遠洋地產(03377)、保利地產(600048.SH)附屬恒利(香 ...全文


Bishopsgate Residences 極具投資潛力

亞洲地區近年成為了帶動全球經濟增長的火車頭,區內高速發展創造了很多極具潛力的投資機遇,當中以房地產項目最受投資 ...全文


樓按踩過界 人行謀嚴打

... 地產(03333)、越秀地產(00123)均跌逾2%。林樵基相信,內房股股價短期將有調整壓力,不過該行仍看好今 ...全文


英鎊低位 把握入市良機
熱選倫敦Notting Hill優尚豪華住宅項目

英鎊近日匯率下挫,是投資者乘勢進軍英國物業的好時機,位於倫敦市中心Notting Hill的優尚豪華住宅項目T ...全文


Shanghai benchmark index may hit 3,500 in first quarter

Shanghai's main stock index could hit the 3,500-points mark within the first quarter of 2015 as the Chinese central bank has joined global peers in injecting more liquidity into the system, helping of ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-30

Greenland throws down the gauntlet to Vanke

For those keeping track, 2013 has been a fruitful year for leading property developers in China. Several firms recorded high double-digit sales growth during the period despite the government's effort ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-14

Fresh home curbs an admission of failure by local authorities

Local authorities in cities with runaway home prices have been summoned by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and urged to "do something" to rein in the market, according to the mainl ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-28

HSI takes a breather but insurance plays still hot

Hong Kong's benchmark index took a breather on Tuesday after surging more than 600 points in the previous session, but market sentiment remained positive. The Hang Seng Index ended the day 2 points or ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-19

Why Vanke has had a change of heart

When asked if he had any plans to diversify his business strategy, Vanke (000002.CN) chairman Wang Shi {王石} answered a categorical "no". "Wait until I die," he was famously quoted as saying.That was b ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-04

Yuexiu wins Guangzhou site for 4.35 bln yuan, report says

Yuexiu Property Co. Ltd. (00123.HK) bought a land plot in the Luogang district of Guangzhou for 4.35 billion yuan (US$713 million), netease.com reported Thursday. The price represents a premium of 45 ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-01

Yuexiu Property September sales up 73%, HKEJ says

Yuexiu Property Co. Ltd. (00123.HK) booked contracted sales of 1.44 billion yuan (US$235.77 million) during September, an increase of 73 percent from the previous month, the Hong Kong Economic Journal ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-10

Country Garden's sweet September success may rub off on peers

The share price of Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd. (02007.HK) surged on Tuesday afternoon after the company announced it has surpassed its full-year sales goal three months ahead of schedule. By the ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-09

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