
共 498 個結果
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US car-hailing, food delivery firms to help drivers hit by virus

... ements. A Lyft Inc. spokeswoman said the company has decided to provide funds to drivers infected or quarantined by a public health authority. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier on Sunday that U ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

Waymo raises US$2.25 billion in first external funding round

... ered with Lyft Inc., Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Jaguar Land Rover, is considering partnerships with other automakers and transportation service providers in various markets outside North America, b ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

外賣初創估值千億 DoorDash申美IPO

... 上叫車程式Uber和Lyft去年高調上市後股價均潛水,作為矽谷另一家未見盈利的網絡公司,DoorDash的IP ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年02月29日

DoorDash申請美國IPO 無盈利獨角獸受關注

... 召車軟件商Uber與Lyft去年上市後,市場對DoorDash這類沒有盈利紀錄的獨角獸企業倍感關注。 Door ...全文



... 車公司服務(另一家是Lyft);Uber司機的生意自然少了。而像我們的情形——司機載我們到Bushwick,但 ...全文



美國召車程式公司Lyft上周五證實,該公司收購了美國車頂廣告初創公司Halo Cars,但沒有透露有關交易的細 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年02月24日

Lyft forecasts slower growth, keeps end-2021 profit target

Ride-hailing services firm Lyft on Tuesday forecast slower revenue growth in the new year and stuck to a target to achieve profitability on an adjusted basis by the end of 2021. The company refused to ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-12

Lyft上季收入首破78億 股價市後下滑

召車軟件商Lyft公布,去年第四季收入10.2億美元,優於預期的9.84億美元;單季收入首次突破10億美元(7 ...全文


Judge rejects Uber request to halt California gig worker law

... ostmates, Lyft , DoorDash and others that rely heavily on the state’s 450,000 contract workers, not full-time employees, to drive passengers or deliver food via app-based services. Investors are watch ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-11

Uber, Lyft take different roads in search of profit

Uber Technologies and Lyft, the two leading US ride-hailing companies, are on divergent paths as Uber pours money into money-losing side businesses while smaller rival Lyft focuses on moving people ar ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10

Hong Kong joins smart airport trend

...  Uber and Lyft have been banned from entering the passenger terminal to pick up travellers directly. They have to proceed to the LAX-it area to pick up the passengers. Through the new regulation, auth ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-06

儲局重上減息路 環球跟風齊寬鬆

... 經濟褪色 Uber與Lyft潛水 共享經濟熱潮在2019年似乎有泡沫化趨勢。Uber和Lyft這兩大炙手可熱的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019大事回顧_國金2019年12月25日

NY judge strikes down cruising cap rule in win for Uber, Lyft

A New York state judge on Monday ruled in favor of Uber Technologies and Lyft in a lawsuit against New York City, striking down a new rule limiting how much time drivers for ride-hailing services can ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24

Despite IPO letdowns, 2019 sets record for US unicorn births

Unicorns like Uber, Lyft and Slack may have had disappointing IPOs, but US venture capital firms gave birth to a record number of unicorns in 2019. So far this year 66 venture capital-backed unicorns ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19

全球格局變或現Paradigm shift

... 理想,例如Uber和Lyft上巿至今約跌了35%,WeWork更因投資者對公司盈利前景和企業管治存疑,令估值大 ...全文


Paradigm Shift 難預測 港股以外分散投資

... 理想,例如Uber和Lyft上巿至今約跌了35%,WeWork更因投資者對公司盈利前景和企業管治存疑,令估值大 ...全文


China's AutoX seeks driverless test permit in California: report

... s. Tesla, Lyft and Cruise are among the other players with permission from California’s Department of Motor Vehicles to test self-driving vehicles in the state with backup drivers. AutoX, however, is ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-05

Chicago clears traffic congestion tax on ride-hailing services

... ogies and Lyft claimed the move would largely hurt low-income residents. Earlier this month, the city’s first female African-American mayor accused Uber of trying to resist any kind of regulation by s ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-27

散工法規嚴限 Juno經營苦撑

... 司,僅次於Uber和Lyft。該公司聲稱新法規導致他們需要加價,召車需求也因此減少一半,年均營業額因而下降了三 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年11月26日


... ber、Slack和Lyft等上市後股價下跌接近一半,相同情況亦出現在不少中國的獨角獸企業身上。這些表現較差的 ...全文


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