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疫下減接觸 管理成挑戰

... 開會可以,始終無咗個physical touch(身體接觸),爭少少。」 共謀「開發火星」培養團隊精神 「因為 ...全文


戲院商也趕商品熱 股價兩日彈10%

... 資產品Sprott Physical Gold Trust資產達57億美元。 Hycroft在俄烏開戰後開始獲 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年03月17日

Gym房巨頭Fitness First傳撤出香港
經營廿載不敵新冠 8店400僱員受影響

... 4間中心,會員可轉到Physical舒適堡完成剩餘會籍及私人教練課程。 早前民政事務局推出健身中心資助計劃,分 ...全文


The anatomy of the net-zero transition

... ending on physical assets by 2050 – an average of $9.2 trillion per year. That is $3.5 trillion per year more than is currently being invested today. Expected increases in spending as incomes and popu ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-15

The Ukraine war’s multifaceted economic fallout

... fering or physical destruction, its economy is set also to contract by about a third, owing to the unprecedented severity of the sanctions it is now under. In particular, a freeze on the central bank’ ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-09

The trust-but-verify path to net zero

... ce of new physical and online security threats. Nowhere is this lack of trust more worrying than in the domain of climate policy. Fortunately, it is also here that we could start rebuilding it. Both t ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-01

Policies to prevent 3 highs can relieve healthcare burden

... propriate physical activities in schools to tackle child obesity. The Government should also strategically target the middle-aged in disease prevention, raising their awareness towards Three “Highs” p ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-22

Brent Oman volatility follows shifting crude oil flows

... re to the physical crude oil price over whatever time period they choose but typically this is over the average of the month. This trade is increasingly common amongst clients such as the Japanese ref ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-21

2022: Making the year of tiger a roaring success for payments

... ongbao to physical envelopes. This soar in popularity was well timed. In the past, LNY has prompted huge masses of people working away from their hometowns to travel back to celebrate. The world’s lar ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-15

Fraud abroad: How SMBs can expand globally and stay secure

...  stolen a physical credit card. Most processors include a tool to require CVV as part of their checkout templates. Use it. Use up-to-date software. Make sure you are running the latest version of your ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-14

Hybrid Working 101: How to navigate the new world of work

... ays where physical presence is needed for the purpose of regular company meetings, or occasional collaboration sessions and team-building exercises • Fully WFH – eliminating face time and work remotel ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-07

Rising cyber exposure in maritime calls for urgent action

... gnificant physical damage. While there have been no reported cases of physical damage to vessels caused by a cyber-attack (which is not to say there haven’t been any cases), the increased reliance upo ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-25

Private credit assets as catalysts for climate impact

... lating biophysical system” – has tipping points which, if triggered, cause “self-enforced drift in the wrong direction”. While the stability of our planet, and the economic activity it supports, depen ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-18

Achieving operational resilience through risk management

...  with the physical tools to adhere to all compliance and regulatory policies. Furthermore, combining digital platforms with AI allows risk leaders to interpret and learn from data, highlight patterns, ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-10


... 客戶可過渡至舒適堡(Physical),但當日沒有交代有否退款選擇。 大批會員於Goji Facebook留言 ...全文


Goji Studios指退款由專人聯絡跟進

... 專人聯絡跟進。 有關Physical舒適堡提供的客戶過渡安排詳情,已經由電郵及SMS短訊發送至所有會員;與有關 ...全文


Goji健身中心結業 會籍課程轉舒適堡

... 戶將可過渡至舒適堡(Physical)。 該公布提到,為妥善安頓所有會員剩餘的會籍及私人教練課程等服務,獲舒適 ...全文


Water as an asset class

... important physical-commodity-based asset class, dwarfing oil, copper, agricultural commodities, and precious metals.” Ten years later, the future is now – though not quite what I expected. In December ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-17

IMF’s misstep on climate finance

... bility to physical climate risks like floods, droughts, and hurricanes, or economic factors like the share of fossil-fuel exports in total foreign-exchange earnings. Second, there is a problem with th ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-16

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