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亞裔孭飛美國電影 貼地反映移民二三代生活

... 歧視的小說《黃禍》(Yellow Peril)的改寫,一反美國社會對亞裔人溫文謙卑的印象。正如美籍華裔作家Ce ...全文


Police fire rubber bullets, tear gas as protest turns violent

... k was the yellow umbrella. “Now we are back!” she said as supporters echoed her words. Others once again called for Lam to step down. Opposition to the bill on Sunday triggered Hong Kong’s biggest pol ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-12

Hundreds of thousands join HK march against extradition bill

... s carried yellow umbrellas - a symbol of the pro-democracy Occupy protests that choked key city streets for 79 days in 2014. Streets were packed along the route. Reuters witnesses at various key point ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-10

Pokemon to launch sleep app next year

... tures the yellow Pikachu character, often the face of Pokemon, as a Sherlock Holmes-like crime-buster, complete with deerstalker. A sequel to the Detective Pokemon game for the Nintendo 3DS handheld c ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-29

Fears over extradition bill swell crowd at pre-June 4 march

...  unfurled yellow umbrellas, one of the most potent symbols of the pro-democracy Occupy movement in 2014. A local newspaper distributed yellow umbrellas with slogans such as “support freedom, oppose ev ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-27

藍月爭三冠 難為大姑媽

... 行Farewell Yellow Brick Road巡迴演唱會,今年年底還將駕臨香港。 Elton John ...全文


The kerfuffle over alleged political screening of Legco staff

With a security staff member accusing the legislature's secretariat of asking her to take a stance between “yellow” and “blue” on a written form, there are once again questions about the political neu ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-15

Wilkinson的baby blue

... 他也有一襲baby yellow。 Michael Wilkinson教授,在媒體上不會多見他的名字,但他受景 ...全文


The super-rich and their sudden concern for the disadvantaged

From the Occupy Wall Street campaign in the United States in 2011 to the ongoing Yellow Vest protests in France, the tensions and confrontations between the haves and the have-nots in Western society ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-26

A day of emotions as Occupy leaders are sentenced

...  with his yellow handkerchief, calling out their names as they boarded the security vehicle on their way to serve their prison terms. Chu, whose 16 months' jail term was suspended for two years, has a ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-26

Lesson from the latest Yellow Vest protests in France

... blishment Yellow Vest Movement. Over the past weekend, some 9,000 Yellow Vest protesters took to the streets in Paris to voice their anger and demand an answer to a highly polemical question: why is t ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-24

Four Occupy leaders jailed for up to 16 months for 2014 protests

... y wearing yellow bands and holding bright yellow umbrellas, had gathered outside the West Kowloon Law Courts. Once the sentences were announced, some sobbed, while others chanted: “I wasn’t incited b ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-24

Macron hopes Notre-Dame can be rebuilt in five years

... e to the “yellow vest” protests. The president visited the site of the fire late on Monday and promised then to rebuild the cathedral, parts of which date to the 12th century. The cathedral spire was ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-17


... 做的二次創作The Yellow Album。 原創 Sgt. Pepper是The Beatles 1967 ...全文


Scientists release first-ever photo of black hole

... g of red, yellow and white surrounding a dark center. The research was conducted by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project, an international collaboration involving about 200 scientists begun in 20 ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-11


... rney of a Yellow Man,在影片中亦有所體現。 融自身於世界 此作品衍生自對東方主義的批判, ...全文


Huawei needs to learn soft-selling skills

... f new Red Yellow Yellow Blue “SuperSpectrum” sensor for the main camera that replaces the traditional Red Green Blue sensor found in most smartphones, tech news websites have noted. By using yellow su ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-28


... nge, Red, Yellow)又以8688萬美元(約6.8億港元)成交,創下當代藝術品的最高拍賣價格紀錄。 ...全文


斯里蘭卡菜 艷麗五彩色

... 餡料,香脆又惹味。「Yellow Rice」(薑黃飯)則以斯里蘭卡人常用的天然香料薑黃上色及調味,灑上腰果及小 ...全文


製錶素材 寶石魔力

...  Big Bang Yellow Sapphire腕錶,材質堅硬及耐刮,卻輕如鈦金屬,是漂亮又實際之作。 鑄造 ...全文


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