
共 2424 個結果
頁數:1...91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ...122

Spotify's valuation hits US$16 bln in private trades

... Music and Amazon Music, and potentially fund an expansion into adjacent businesses, such as video, or geographies it has yet to reach. A high market valuation would also bolster Spotify’s position in ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-28

New ways to make the consumer connection

... consider. Amazon is king of the hill now. When it comes to selling standardized goods out of centralized distribution centers, we would argue that no one — not even Wal-Mart — offers greater choice an ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-28


... andora,應該是Amazon,Amazon有強大的電子商務平台,透過Prime服務,收取7.99美元月費, ...全文



... 下的亞馬遜網絡服務(Amazon Web Services,簡稱AWS),由每小時計算改為逐秒收費,但隨即被G ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年09月28日

The penny drops for central banks on cryptocurrencies

... banks be “Amazon-ed”? Bankers used to think regulation would make financial services less appealing for new entrants. But now the penny is dropping that non-bank rivals can just attack more profitable ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-27

打通線上線下 網購兼實體店通吃

... 型零售商的競爭,還有Amazon的網購威脅,但其實早於2000年,玩具反斗城就曾經與Amazon簽訂了10年的 ...全文


From Game of Thrones to IoT: Magic in our midst

... o sleep?) Amazon Echo, Fitbit, Smart TV, and Connected Cars are just some of the more mass consumer IoT products. There are many more across different industries, and there will be many more that will ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-26

雙重架構當道 企業空談民主

... .1%股權。亞馬遜(Amazon)創辦人貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)就是個好例子。他只有17%公司股權,也沒 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年09月26日


... 售商及銷售額,分別為Amazon(21.63億美元,下同),Walmart(12.85億元)、玩具反斗城(9. ...全文



... 企業,而且Uber和Amazon等強大對手也加入戰場。此外,公司還要面對假期工資訴訟、最低工資爭拗、歧視投訴和 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年09月23日


... 富之320億美元,跟Amazon光頭CEO Jeff Bezos之900億美元更差了一大截。 當一眾中港富豪花 ...全文


What's up in China? WhatsApp down for third time in three months

... pp Store. Amazon has followed suit, with its local partner Beijing Sinnet Technology warning local customers against using any software that would allow people to circumvent the Great Firewall of Chin ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-21


... lix超出盈利預期,Amazon明天表現將如何?」、「Apple發布新產品前後的股票交易如何?」等投資問題,你 ...全文



... 斗城還要面對亞馬遜(Amazon)等網上零售商挑戰。近年愈來愈多人選擇在網上購買玩具和其他商品,致使實體零售店 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年09月18日

懶理雜音 聚焦兩大消費趨勢

... 開平民電動車戰場,有Amazon令傳統零售翻天覆地的經驗,不僅傳統車廠受考驗,投資者亦盡快找出「電動車免疫」的 ...全文



... t後立刻減價、無人店Amazon Go、無人機無人車送貨計劃數之不盡,繼續令傳統零售商聞風喪膽。然而,報告認為 ...全文


iPhone X: Can Apple regain its mojo?

... business. Amazon's new home speaker, Echo Look, also has a camera, which could presumably be made to recognise faces. I believe facial recognition technology may not come out as a “killer function” to ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-13

Toys "R" Us gets squeezed from all sides

... itched to Amazon or Taobao for the cheaper prices. Large department stores are also taking business away from Toys "R" Us. Although they may not carry as many types of products, leading retailers incl ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-11

France, other EU countries seek tax on tech giants' revenues

France, Germany, Italy and Spain want digital multinationals like Amazon and Google to be taxed in Europe based on their revenues, rather than only profits as now, Reuters reports, citing a joint lett ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-11


... 針對網購巨人亞馬遜(Amazon)。亞馬遜上月完成收購全食超市(Whole Foods Market)後,隨即 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年09月11日

頁數:1...91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ...122

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