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近期的醫療熱點,是「流感疫苗」。有從未接種過流感疫苗的朋友,擔憂接種後有不良反應。家庭醫生其中一個回應,就是先 ...全文


Hong Kong must brace itself for the era of geopolitics

The age of geopolitics is upon us. From the war in Ukraine to the intensification of Sino-American rivalry, from increasing tensions over the South China Sea and the Taiwan Straits to the Indo-Pakista ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-09

What Hong Kong can learn from Hangzhou in Night Bazaar?

It is a night to remember on this National Day not just because of the fireworks display not seen in five years that gathered over 430,000 people along Victoria Harbour, but also because the Hong Kong ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-04

Europe should de-risk from China, but not disengage

The most prominent European businessman in China says that Europe should "de-risk" from China but not disengage. "If you refuse to sit at the table with China, then you will be on the menu." Joerg Wut ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-28

Europe should de-risk from China, but not disengage

The most prominent European businessman in China says t ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年09月28日


在英國留學時,有一晚,相約三位同樣在威爾斯念碩士的華人女生朋友,去當地一個小酒吧看Stand-up comed ...全文



料不到,首次在日本行夜山,竟然是為了teamLab一個戶外光影秀,山路崎嶇,燈光微弱,難度不低啊,且行得大汗淋 ...全文



摩根士丹利成為首間進軍生成式人工智能(AI)的華爾街大行,周一宣布推出由GPT-4開發商OpenAI軟件支援的 ...全文


What is there to love about Hong Kong

These days, it’s trendy to talk down Hong Kong. After all, who doesn’t enjoy trashing a city that has seen, in the span of four to five years, unprecedented political turmoil, a pandemic that has left ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-18

Europe must get serious about critical minerals

Throughout human history, raw materials have played a key role in economic development, international relations, and the destinies of entire nations and civilizations. From precious metals (silver and ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

Equal love for all should not be political or politicised

A reasonable society ought to make provisions and accommodation, such that any and all reasonable preferences, tastes, opinions, and needs, can be reflected by the way people are treated by the laws a ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12

Salute! To the unsung heroes

Last Friday saw Hong Kong hit by one of the worst, if not downright the worst, rainstorms it has endured in recorded history. 158.1mm of rain was recorded at the Observatory headquarters between 11pm ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11

兒歌歌手轉型營養學家 歐倩怡43歲第一次派名片

「做藝人無名片,今次是我第一次派!」 初見面,歐倩怡(Cindy)笑容親切遞上名片,職銜是營養學家。 她16歲 ...全文



近年香港銀行業持續朝數碼化發展,信銀國際個人及商務銀行業務副總監袁妙齡稱,今年對金融科技的投入按年增加近50% ...全文


Colour blind

I often travel past a small noodle shop on Bonham Road which found itself the centre of much unwanted attention recently. For many years, the shop has been a favourite haunt of construction workers on ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-07

Optimizing data infrastructure for AI era

Today, any conversation about artificial intelligence (AI) is bound to include the emergence of ChatGPT, a widely used chatbot built on OpenAI’s GPT series of large language models (LLMs). However, ac ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-06

《歡樂今宵》多創舉 炒張瑛立威信

《歡樂今宵》(EYT)是無綫也是蔡和平的創業作,21歲之齡如何統率三軍?何況當中有不少過江龍,「早年薛家燕來新 ...全文


拜登巡視佛州 德桑蒂斯拒見

颶風「伊達利亞」(Idalia)上周在美國佛羅里達州登陸,美國總統拜登上周六前往當地視察災場,但隸屬共和黨的州 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年09月04日


五年前,東京,因群情洶湧一票難求,跟「鈴木敏夫與吉卜力展」緣慳一面;今次在福岡重逢,仍人頭湧湧,終能擠進去。這 ...全文


Britain’s turn against championing media freedom

In July 2019, the United Kingdom’s foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, launched a global campaign for media freedom at a London conference co-organized by the Canadian government. “Today, we are joined by ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-01

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