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Preparing Hong Kong’s education system for a multi-polar world

“The world, as we know it, is becoming increasingly multi-polar.” This is a proposition oft-trotted out to describe or highlight the significance of events such as the ongoing BRICS Summit in Johannes ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-25

University graduates in China face tough job market

Wang Li graduated from university with a degree in political science and public administration. Now she is working in Guiyang, southwest China, as a live-in domestic help. It is not her first choice, ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-15

The youth are not monolith

In conversations with friends and colleagues I often hear the question, “What do the youth make of this?”, or “What, really, do the youth want?” As I have argued elsewhere in my assessment of events r ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11


初選案昨天踏入第102日審訊,不認罪被告鄒家成供稱,中華民族此概念為宣傳工具,旨在合理化對港人利益的損害,並說 ...全文


論壇提入議會打交 鄒家成:沒想過主動掌摑建制派

初選案踏入第102日審訊,不認罪被告鄒家成供稱,中華民族此概念為宣傳工具,旨在合理化對港人利益的損害,香港民族 ...全文



「西邊的歐鋼有老板 生兒維特根斯坦 「他言說馬戶驢又鳥雞 到底那馬戶是驢 還是驢又鳥雞」 聽着《羅剎海市》,節 ...全文


星展香港《Live More Show》集結全港幸福Moments

其實只要在生活中添加一點儀式感,使某一天與其他日子不同,使某一時刻與其他時刻不同,就算是簡單的小趣味小巧思,都 ...全文


Slow burn Minsky moments and what to do about them

We seem to live in an era of rolling financial crisis, which I suspect is the result of a massive build-up of private sector debt. Sometimes these build-ups are accompanied by very high rates of credi ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-04

Why are we so unhappy?

The contemporary individual is likely to lead a much longer life, with substantially greater material abundance, a wider range of places to which they can travel, a more stable and harmonious family l ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31

星展香港《Live More Show》集結全港幸福Moments

星展香港推出《Live More Show》,集結全香港人的幸福Moments!由即日起至7月30日,只要將充 ...全文


Sinéad O'Connor 真理殉道

或許大家未必會記得1990年Nothing Compares 2 U這首歌曲,但應記得MV裏Sinéad O' ...全文


The power breakers

Essentially, all politicians seek power, whether to use it for the good of their electorate or to advance their personal agenda. A political system that lacks the means to restrain or prevent the abus ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-28

Kundera on Kitsch, Kitsch on 2023

When Kundera penned The Unbearable Lightness of Being in the early 1980s, he was living in France whilst the ossified Soviet Union was crumbling under the weight of its successive generations of gento ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-21

With great power comes great responsibility-but why?

We’ve all heard the familiar saying by now, “With great power comes great responsibility”. What had originated, as far as I’m aware, in a Spiderman movie (a line quipped by Aunt May to Peter Parker), ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-20

Where have all the top students gone?

Four professions that used to attract the brightest local students to join were accounting, architecture, law and medical. Seen as the most prosperous careers, it is said that most parents would advis ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-20

Ireland’s rise to prosperity: The gains and pains

When Ireland joined the European Union in 1973, it was the poorest member. Now it is one of the richest, with a per capita GDP last year double that of Britain. In 2022, its GDP grew 12.2 per cent, th ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-17

【直播】人幣轉強 港股千億成交衝穿萬九關 後市睇騰訊? 517果然爆升

 【睇Live問杜比】人民幣轉強 憧憬加息周期完結 港股強力衝穿萬九關 後市可以睇好啲?  嘉賓:信報首席分析 ...全文


拍賣行手稿部專家 揭Freddie Mercury神曲創作秘密

Bohemian Rhapsody(《波希米亞狂想曲》)是英國Queen樂隊1975年推出、至今仍深受樂迷喜愛 ...全文



AXA安盛宣布,全面升級其「Dr@Live線上會診室」服務,打造一站式健康管理新體驗,讓客戶足不出戶都可以獲得 ...全文



疫情令社交距離的限制大增,衍生更多遙距服務需求,AXA安盛首席僱員福利業務及健康策劃總監李蓉表示,該公司「Dr ...全文


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