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Russia’s nightmare – loss of Far East

Sipping beer, an official of the city government in Harbin in northeast China was asked if and when his country would reclaim its lost territories in the Russian Far East the Tsar seized 160 years ago ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-24

街頭演唱者:BUSKING歷練場 成就登台大將之風

由素人Busking一路奮戰至舉行個人演唱會,甚至參加電視選秀節目打入20強,看似艱難卻讓90後羅凱鈴(Judas)一步步實現,不過疫情來襲讓一切停擺。如今世界早已復常,她慢慢學會面對人生的起起落落,更緊記熱愛唱歌的初心,依舊拿起結他繼續Busking,同時不忘創作與學習編曲,靜待下一個契機再次高飛。 text by miu lau photo by ben tamHAIR STYLING BY ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-23


3月31日《日經亞洲》報道:日本在台灣附近的宮古島、石垣島的基地已可容納飛彈部隊,並計劃於2025年3月在宮古 ...全文



你還記得第一次看《仙樂飄飄處處聞》(The Sound of Music,下簡稱TSOM)、第一次聽《The Sound of Music》、《Do-Re-Mi》等歌曲是什麼時候嗎?這套音樂劇(或後來的改篇電影)及一連串的歌曲伴隨不少人的成長,由1959年於美國Broadway首次亮相的音樂劇今年迎來65歲的大壽之餘更於今個月來到香港演出,更成為第一個於戲曲中心演出的百老匯音樂劇製作!Von T ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-19

Are we raising a generation of leaders, or of followers?

The essence of education is defined not by the facts it imparts, but the potential knowledge it inspires students to individually pursue on their own. Put it this way – the ideal form of education act ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-12


怪不得內地春節檔期逼走了劉德華──他的《紅毯先生》相較之下何其貧血虛弱!《熱辣滾燙》累計票房破三十四億人民幣。 ...全文



一個城市在假日該什麼樣子?外國大城市,假日是讓人尋找呼吸的空間,街道是屬於表演者的舞台,公園草地是野餐的地方, ...全文


To love one’s country candidly and sincerely

I’m a firm believer that the more you love something, the more you must be honest about it. A citizen’s devotion to their country could take many forms. Some are genuinely devoted – they see the inter ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-23

真人Show 《熱辣滾燙》

本片將於3月21日香港公映,筆者早在2月北上看了。這種「大陸首輪,香港次輪」的做法,漸成慣例,尤其農曆新年等黃 ...全文


Does threat of conflict over Taiwan worsen after DPP victory?

A group of foreign residents is seeking a place of refu ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年02月29日

Does threat of conflict over Taiwan worsen after DPP victory?

A group of foreign residents is seeking a place of refuge – probably a temple or monastery – to hide if PLA soldiers arrive in Taiwan. “We have heard these threats for 30 years,” said a Taiwan enginee ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-26

想長命 當畫家?

不知什麼原因,畫家頗多長壽者,老年創作力仍然旺盛;音樂家次之;電影兼顧視與聽,亦有不少導演長壽;詩人和小說家又 ...全文


On the Importance of Being Swift

I’ll open with a confession. I have long been a Taylor Swift fan. From ‘Back to December’ to ‘Out of the Woods’, from Reputation to Folklore, there is a lot to love in Swift. And I would most certainl ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-23

Status Anxiety and Norm Defiance

I am privileged to be in a position where I can learn from, and be inspired by, incredibly talented, creative, and thoughtful students on a daily basis. Teachers often learn more than students than th ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-23


壹傳媒創辦人黎智英被控「串謀勾結外國勢力」等罪的案件昨天續審。《蘋果日報》前副社長、控方從犯證人陳沛敏供稱,《 ...全文



壹傳媒創辦人黎智英被控「串謀勾結外國勢力」等罪的案件今日續審。《蘋果日報》前副社長、控方從犯證人陳沛敏供稱,《 ...全文



直播帶貨是一種電商模式,它是指主播在互聯網直播平台上,向觀眾展示、推薦、試用商品或服務,並引導觀眾在平台上下單 ...全文



隨着香港管治模式全面進入「後不變期」,文化體育及旅遊局亦隨之誕生,政府過去對流行文化行「不言之政、幕後駕馭」政 ...全文

今日信報時事評論文化論政歐陽檉 何胤嘉2024年02月09日

What can individuals do in the age of geopolitics?

I was invited to address a TEDx a couple of weeks ago, here in Hong Kong. After five to six days of back-and-forth deliberation, I settled upon a topic that I thought would be germane, not just for th ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-05


上期提及經靜脈埋置式除顫器(TV-ICD)跟完全皮下安置的ICD(S-ICD)在功能上及安置方式的分別。兩者同 ...全文


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