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Anna好搏,她下周先去London,再下周New York。過年喎?她好優雅地說:「我family大都不在香 ...全文


Can tech help with your green resolutions in 2019?

How are those resolutions going? If you are like me, it would be a lie to say: “Particularly well”. We started 2019 with the best of intentions but ended up in the same place before the Lunar New Year ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-24


人口老化似乎是全球面對的問題。二戰過後男人解甲返鄉,世界出現了一個戰後嬰兒潮,多數專指1945至1965年期間 ...全文


Will Luckin Coffee prove a good IPO bet?

Chinese startup Luckin Coffee is reportedly seeking an IPO in Hong Kong this year, even as global coffee chain giant Starbucks has warned of a slowdown in the China market. Targeting a similar custome ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-16


去年8月寫過〈瑞幸vs星巴克〉一文,當時指瑞幸(luckin coffee)這家成立僅半年的國產咖啡店品牌,憑 ...全文



繼OFO、Mobike單車、Bitcoin之後,二○一九年第一間爆的將會是瑞幸咖啡(Luckin Coffee ...全文


港人口老化 樓價還有機 ?

自二戰過後,日本戰後重建,加上美國積極扶持日本經濟發展,保持美國在亞洲的地位,日本經濟一飛沖天,直至1985年 ...全文


Why can't we have Luckin, Hema and Pop Pop Pot in Hong Kong?

You may not like it in China because there's no Google or Facebook, unless you have access to virtual private networks, which, although banned, are still available from some clandestine providers – or ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-11

When humans are ruled by artificial intelligence

In his book Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, physicist Max Tegmark makes a lot of predictions about the new ethical paradigms likely to be adopted in the future. Among his ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-09

ICE-owned crypto startup Bakkt gets Li Ka-shing on board

Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing has joined other tech and venture capital heavyweights in supporting cryptocurrency venture Bakkt in its first funding round. The startup, backed by Intercontinental ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-08


在統計學中,有一條重要的規律叫大數定律,當中提到隨機變數在大量重複實驗當中呈現出幾乎必然的規律,樣本愈多,結果 ...全文


Chinese coffee startup Luckin: We won't be the next ofo

Fast-growing Chinese coffee chain Luckin said it aims to be the country's largest coffee chain by the number of cups sold and outlets this year, overtaking Starbucks, which has about 3,300 stores nati ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-04

歲寶添猛人 揼本應有因

正所謂紅塵來去一場夢,股票市場上升的時候就好慢,但要收回你的利潤時,速度往往令你意想不到。今年內地水緊,政府實 ...全文


美聯主席增持 謹防敵意收購

美聯集團(01200)發出公告,指公司主席以每股2元,較周三收市價1.56元溢價約28%,收購共5744萬股, ...全文


提倡活在當下 街角小店以咖啡聯繫人情

日本作家川口俊和的小說《在咖啡冷掉之前》早前被改編成電影,故事圍繞一間能夠讓人回到過去的咖啡店,人們都不想再次 ...全文


永不言悔 外孫兒約會(一)

不經不覺,外孫兒俊俊已8歲多,明年2月便9歲。女兒在懷孕期間,我跟她說會做一個受歡迎的外婆,會非常痛錫外孫兒, ...全文



美團點評(03690)據報將與瑞幸咖啡(Luckin Coffee)合作,推出外送服務。 《南華早報》引述消息 ...全文


Club Med財技一變二

中國人民銀行之前刊出一份專題報告名為《建立金融控股公司監管制度 防範金控集團野蠻生長風險》,指出一些非金融企業 ...全文


Man, 19, arrested after Porsche smashes cafe in Sheung Wan

Police arrested a 19-year-old man after the luxury sports car he was driving crashed into a coffee shop in Sheung Wan.  The man was driving a Porsche 911 Carrera along Queen's Road Central shortly bef ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-14

Rejecting physical cash is illegal, PBoC warns vendors

China’s central bank on Monday warned that rejecting cash as a form of payment was illegal, saying such practices could eventually cause the loss of confidence in physical money and was unfair to thos ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-10

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