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Consensus in Japan's ruling LDP turns against China

On September 29, Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Part ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年09月24日

Consensus in Japan’s ruling LDP turns against China

On September 29, Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) will choose a new leader to replace Yoshihide Suga. Whoever wins will favour a strong military line against China and support for Taiwan ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-23

New business models for a new future

COVID-19 has sharpened the focus on many challenges with which the world has long been grappling, including rising inequality, insufficient access to adequate health care and education, and climate ch ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-21


為期12天的中華人民共和國第14屆全國運動會已經在陝西省正式展開,特區政府的「體育專員」楊德強向外公布,港台和 ...全文


疫後充分運用設備即服務(DaaS) 掌握靈活設備的優勢 迎接變幻莫測的未來

市場研究機構Gartner預期1,全球設備即服務(Device-as-a-Service,簡稱DaaS)用戶在 ...全文


Passing into nothingness

The poet John Keats described a thing of beauty not only as a joy for ever but “a bower quiet for us, and a sleep full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.” I doubt that I am alone in tha ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-20

Towards a more reasonable, effective quarantine policy

Much of this has been litigated and opined on to the po ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年09月18日

君實生物(01877) 其他-業務發展最新情況

君實生物(01877) 自願性公告 - 埃特司韋單抗及巴尼韋單抗雙抗體療法的緊急使用授權範圍擴大至COVID- ...全文


君實生物(01877) 海外監管公告-業務發展最新情況

君實生物(01877) 海外監管公告 - 上海君實生物醫藥科技股份有限公司自願披露關於埃特司韋單抗及巴尼韋單抗 ...全文


Investors should focus on China’s diversification value

Investing in a global multi-asset portfolio is as much as about combining diversified assets to improve risk-adjusted returns as it is about positioning to take account of global economic and monetary ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-17

Towards a more reasonable, effective quarantine policy

Much of this has been litigated and opined on to the point of death – but I’ll say it again: Hong Kong’s quarantine policy is ill-equipped for the rapidly shifting circumstances and evolving condition ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-17

Will the BRICS ever grow up?

Having created the BRIC acronym to capture the collective potential of Brazil, Russia, India, and China to influence the world economy, I now must ask a rather awkward question: When is that influence ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-17

越南製造加工出口(00422) 其他-業務發展最新情況

越南製造加工出口(00422) 自願性公告越南仁澤生產設施在 COVID-19 於越南最近發展下的進一步最新營 ...全文


The economic risks of Pandexit

People have been using “exit” as a suffix for a decade or so. Grexit, referring to a potential Greek departure from the eurozone, was the first to emerge. Italexit made a brief appearance, and has rec ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-16

This SDR allocation must be different

In August, the International Monetary Fund announced, to much fanfare, that its members had reached a historic agreement to issue $650 billion of special drawing rights (SDRs, the Fund’s unit of accou ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-15

港股兩日插703點 恒大債拖冧內房物管

隔晚美股個別走,道指反彈終止連跌。不過恒大債務憂慮困擾中港市場,加上北水將於本周四暫停,影響入市意欲,港股兩日 ...全文


【異動股】雲頂新耀飆一成 奪mRNA新冠疫苗授權

雲頂新耀(01952)曾飆一成,見66.5元,最新升8%,成交額3020萬元。 集團公布,與加拿大mRNA生物 ...全文


雲頂新耀-B(01952) 須予披露的交易 / 代價發行

雲頂新耀-B(01952) 須予披露交易 - 有關COVID-19 疫苗及若干授權產品的製造、開發及商業化的( ...全文



COVID-19疫情全球大流行近20個月,把很多其他重要的醫療議題擠開,可以視為抗疫的一種代價。雖然筆者在不同 ...全文



香港政府於8月1日開始派發電子消費券,除了部分市民因各種原因未能完成登記外,整個流程尚算暢順。今次足以證明大部 ...全文


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