
共 1996 個結果
頁數:1...27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ...100

Nurturing unicorns

2021 is a year of remarkable growth for the global startup ecosystem. CB Insights, a market research company, estimated that there are more than 800 unicorns (a startup reaching a valuation of US$1 bi ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-25

What the US recovery is missing

The expiration of enhanced unemployment benefits in the United States has come and gone with no noticeable impact on the number of Americans seeking work. This should come as no surprise. Arguments ma ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-22

Where will Fumio Kishida take Japan?

On October 4, Fumio Kishida became Japan’s 100th prime minister, succeeding Yoshihide Suga, who held the office for only a year. Kishida secured the top job by prevailing in the four-person race to le ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-21

HK emigrants face cold winter, inflation and shortages in UK

During the spring and summer, tens of thousands of Hong Kong people moved to Britain, excited to start a new life away from the National Security Law and “patriotic education”. But, as the days get sh ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-21

HK emigrants face cold winter, inflation and shortages in UK

During the spring and summer, tens of thousands of Hong ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年10月21日

三葉草尋求上市 新冠疫苗成賣點

本港新股市場的「B股」(未有收益生物科技公司)早前表現不濟,8月至9月期間上市的4隻「B仔」全軍盡墨,首日掛牌 ...全文



COVID-19之下,不少文化機關轉而透過不同的數碼計劃來實踐其使命。而香港政府提出「智慧城市」的框架多年,最 ...全文



COVID-19後,世界經濟會往哪邊發展?過去一年多,疫情催生出的大量網購,Buy Now Pay Later ...全文



油站汽車排長龍終於成為過去,起碼薩里郡我家附近的村鎮,油站運作看來已經回復正常。不過汽油價錢仍然高企,並未回落 ...全文


Trade and the future of food

No one can survive without food. And yet, the world’s food systems are badly in need of reform. To ensure universal access to adequate nutrition, as well as long-term environmental sustainability, we ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-19

On COVID-19, mental health and human decency

We're in the midst of arguably one of the worst pandemi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年10月19日


恒指自今年2月18日盤中創下一年半來的「抗疫行情」新高31183點之後,開啟了長達近8個月的跌跌不休走勢。人們 ...全文


A facelift for Facebook

If the testimony of whistleblower Frances Haugen, a former Facebook data scientist, before a US Senate subcommittee told us anything, it was that tech companies cannot be relied upon to regulate thems ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-18

Post-pandemic recovery must include the care economy

The COVID-19 pandemic may have slowed the global economy in 2020, but the “care economy” was working harder than ever. For too long, economists and policymakers have ignored this segment. Economic mod ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-18

On COVID-19, mental health and human decency

We’re in the midst of arguably one of the worst pandemics in our lifetimes. Not only has COVID-19 left an indelible mark on global politics, international relations, and, indeed, our average lifespans ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-18

Will China stand in the way of global health?

Last month, I lamented that the leaders of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) seem incapable of agreeing on coordinated policies that would benefit their own economie ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-15

波蘭拒絕接受約束 歐盟面臨艱巨挑戰

繼英國脫歐(Brexit)造成餘波未了的震盪後,歐盟現在又要面臨另一項艱巨挑戰,那就是波蘭脫歐(Polexit ...全文



年輕時天天上班下班,晚上那幾個鐘頭非常珍貴。首先,晚飯時希望大人好、小孩也好,沒有任何爭拗,也望菲傭沒有任何投 ...全文


Creating a vibrant startup ecosystem in Hong Kong

In May this year, it was reported that another unicorn (a startup company with a valuation of at least US$1 billion and having been established for less than 10 years) has joined the Cyberport communi ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-11

【異動股】騰盛博藥彈一成後縮 新冠療法申FDA緊急使用授權

騰盛博藥(02137)高開9.6%,報29.21元,開市後最新升5.8%,成交額243萬元。 集團公布,向美國 ...全文


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