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Reopening a must:Vaccination is key-but not enough

News has emerged that Hong Kong officials have been mee ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年11月23日

Reopening a must: Vaccination is key-but not enough

News has emerged that Hong Kong officials have been meeting with their mainland Chinese counterparts in seeking to arrange for the reopening of “borders” between the mainland and Hong Kong. Long overd ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-22

Digital currencies: Cryptos, CBDCs and the future of payments

Cryptocurrencies are grabbing headlines across the globe daily, and it is not just about Bitcoin. According to data from CoinMarketCap, a cryptocurrency data aggregator, there are over 13,000 cryptocu ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-22


9月中旬,歐盟的歐洲執行理事會(European Commission)和歐盟外交事務及安全政策高級代表(Hi ...全文


Think small to fight climate change: SMEs' important role

 When applied to droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, floods, or other extreme weather events, the term “unprecedented” is getting old. In August, when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releas ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-19

Ending the permanent respiratory disease pandemic

COVID-19 has exposed the limited ability of health systems around the world to cope with a pandemic of respiratory infection. With the official death count from COVID-19 now over five million, and the ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-19


美股隔晚腳軟,今早亞太區股市亦普遍下跌,港股承接昨日回吐之勢,今日回吐壓力加深,考驗50天線(25194),一 ...全文


Nature can’t wait

Costa Rica is celebrating 200 years of independence this year. It is an opportunity to honor our ancestors and think about our descendants, and we invite the world to celebrate with us. Those who cann ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-18

A capital-markets union key to greening Europe

Jean Monnet, an architect of the European Union, once said that European unity “will be forged in crises, and will be the sum of the solutions adopted for those crises.” The past decade and a half has ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-16

偉源控股(01343) (修改後標題) 公告及通告 - [內幕消息 / 其他-業務發展最新情況]

偉源控股(01343) 內幕消息 有關COVID-19的業務最新消息(228KB, pdf) ...全文


Monetary policy and real estate challenges to Chinese yuan

Over the past three years, the Chinese Yuan (CNH) has strengthened against most emerging market currencies while tracking closely to currencies such as the euro (EUR) and British pound (GBP). CNH fell ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-15


自2016年英國決定脫歐以來,英語學術界和輿論除了關心英國脫歐和COVID-19大流行如何催化蘇格蘭獨立運動和 ...全文


偉源控股(01343) 其他-業務發展最新情況

偉源控股(01343) 內幕消息 有關COVID-19的業務最新消息(228KB, pdf) ...全文


中國鐵鈦(00893) 內幕消息

中國鐵鈦(00893) 內幕消息 四川省阿壩州汶川縣礦場營運 因COVID-19疫情反彈而中斷(155KB, ...全文


What South Africa must do

South Africa is at a crossroads. To save its democratic project, it needs to put itself on a path to inclusive, dynamic growth, creating a virtuous cycle that delivers on Nelson Mandela’s promise of “ ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-10

Why all the inflation worries?

In the past three years, technological advances have provided about one percentage point of warranted US real wage growth each year – admittedly, only half the rate of earlier times, but still somethi ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-10


十七世紀,歐洲出現了對遺體前所未有的渴求。在奉行新教的國家(例如荷蘭),公開解剖人體從以前的禁忌,成為了流行新 ...全文


The economy that planetary health requires

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, analysts and pundits spun visions of how the crisis would reshape the global economy. Many heralded the opportunity to transform our financial systems, suppl ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-09

Climate policy is social policy

The number of days each year when the temperature exceeds 50°C (122°F) has doubled since the 1980s, and occurs in more places than ever. This extreme heat is having a dramatic effect on the health of ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-09

Making best use of spatial data to enhance HK's competitiveness

The Geospatial Commission of the United Kingdom commissioned a consulting company earlier to undertake a detailed economic study on the size, features and characteristics of the U.K. geospatial or loc ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-08

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