
共 1992 個結果
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The history trap

Speaking in Volgograd, formerly known as Stalingrad, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently evoked the horrors of World War II to justify his invasion of Ukraine. “Again and again, we have to repel ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-10


過去3年多COVID-19肆虐全球,香港亦難幸免,感染與死亡人數不斷上升,不禁令人回憶起2003年SARS的慘 ...全文



友邦香港公布「AIA理想退休生活調查」第14期結果,發現近半數受訪者(47%)在過去3年,因減少外遊或購物令個 ...全文


Hong Kong is waiting for a kiss

Is Hong Kong back on track after a month of reopening? Yes, spring returns, and things are looking better. There are more people asking for street directions in Putonghua but they are not lining up ou ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-08

Preparing now for the next health emergencies

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the weaknesses and lack of preparedness of health systems globally. When the virus was at its peak, many low- and middle-income countries struggled to save lives whil ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-07

How to transform African agriculture

The COVID-19 pandemic, compounded by supply-chain disruptions and surging inflation, has highlighted the fragilities of Africa’s food systems, leading to a 60% increase in hunger across the continent ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-06


古人認為,毀滅世界的殺手是風、火、瘟疫和戰爭。到了2020年,則變成了4個「C」,分別是西方以躺平態度對待的C ...全文



香港正面對人口老齡化的挑戰,當中亦包括智障人士。智障人士的身體機能比健全人士較早退化。除了遺傳因素和藥物影響外 ...全文


How HK increases competitiveness on path towards normalcy

Hong Kong is gradually on road to normalcy from the Covid-19 pandemic but it is difficult for the economy to regain momentum. At a time when people are uncertain about the prospects, the opinion of ou ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-02

Spread your legs笑得出嗎?

先說個小故事:看電影《飯戲攻心》,你大部分朋友都曾大笑,我一位久居美國和新加坡,和另一位近年居於韓國的香港人朋 ...全文


The poverty of anti-capitalism

Our world has become both confusing and confused. The international economy works well, but the political economy is mired in hostility toward markets, frustration at globalization, and skepticism abo ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-31

How not to fight inflation

Despite favorable indices, it is too soon to tell whether inflation has been tamed. Nonetheless, two clear lessons have emerged from the recent price surge. First, economists’ standard models – especi ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-30

The multilateral financing paradox

Multilateral development banks (MDBs) have become the darling of policymakers nowadays. In a recent speech, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on the World Bank and other international lenders ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-27

Bouncing into the Chinese Year of the Rabbit

Feng Shui, the traditional Chinese practice of harnessing the flow of energy, indicates the Year of the Rabbit can pull people in different directions. For 2023 we well may see investors getting pulle ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-19

Environmental performance of old buildings needs to be improved

At least 500 new buildings are constructed in Hong Kong every year which generates substantial carbon emissions. The construction industry must urgently look for more environmentally friendly construc ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-18

China’s autocracy in crisis

Until fairly recently, Chinese President Xi Jinping touted his zero-COVID policy as proof that authoritarian one-party states like China are better equipped to deal with pandemics (or any other crisis ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-18

Pros and cons of synthetic data

Artificial intelligence (AI) depends on massive amounts of data being available. As many countries have tightened privacy protection measures, therefore, synthetic data that does not violate personal ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-13

新冠藥莫諾拉韋 料農曆年前上市

輝瑞新冠治療藥Paxlovid近日未能通過醫保談判進入國家醫保採購計劃,國家醫保局醫藥服務管理司副司長黃心宇昨 ...全文



兩年前,抗疫策略「躺平」的歐美確診病例平均每日增加數十萬,累積死亡數目過百萬,相反「清零」的中國每日新確診數字 ...全文


α-酮戊二酸(AKG) 作為可減緩生物衰老的補充劑

我很多年前在加拿大多倫多大學攻讀博士學位時,指導教授引用最多的論文是用於哺乳動物細胞培養的培養液配方(α-ME ...全文


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