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COVID-19疫情全球大流行近20個月,把很多其他重要的醫療議題擠開,可以視為抗疫的一種代價。雖然筆者在不同 ...全文



... 有大家需要隨身攜帶的COVID-19針卡,也已經電子化。 近期發現很多商場推出自家手機應用程式(App),商店 ...全文


Why America must go big on infrastructure

...  from the COVID-19 recession has been surprisingly rapid and robust, the US Federal Reserve may soon start to taper its monthly bond purchases, and the earlier fiscal emergency and stimulus spending p ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-10


... 今全球肆虐的新冠肺炎COVID-19也經常有「隱形」患者,他們感染後沒有出現任何病徵。但沒有病徵者接受檢測後若 ...全文


Monetary order and international security

... se to the COVID-19 crisis. Contrary to what the pundits often suggest, it is far from clear that Russia or China inevitably will benefit from America’s humiliation. India, for example, might come to p ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-09

COVID-19 and human freedom

The upsurge of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in the United States serves as a bitter reminder that the pandemic is not over. The global economy will not return to normal until the disea ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-08

【熱炒半新股】騰盛博藥創新高後倒跌 加大投入推進新冠療法商業化

... 處於臨床進展的高風險COVID-19 患者中,該聯合療法在住院和死亡的聯合終點方面的相對風險在統計上大幅降低了 ...全文



9月1日無綫新聞轉述美國「疾病控制中心」一個發現,說留意到那些注射了COVID-19疫苗的病人因這個防疫針而遭 ...全文


Opportunities amid China’s changing regulatory landscape

... nt of the COVID-19 virus. Policymakers may also consider easing in order to offset the tightening credit conditions caused by the recent volatility linked to Evergrande and Huarong Asset Management. H ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-07


... ,可由學生及家長到「COVID-19公費疫苗預約平台」進行意願登記,選擇醫療院所預約接種疫苗。 潘文忠稱,學生 ...全文


Treating stroke with the latest technologies

... uring the COVID-19 epidemic, we inevitably get tired physically and mentally, we need to care more about our physical condition as well as the health of other people around us. In reducing the threat ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-06


... 便重拾升勢。哪怕去年COVID-19肆虐,經濟衰退、失業率上升,甚至香港移民潮重現的情況下,香港樓價仍十分堅挺 ...全文


Why the stagflation threat is real

... ar before COVID-19 broadsided the economy and pushed the Fed and other central banks to engage in unprecedented unconventional monetary policies, while governments engineered the largest fiscal defici ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-03

Will Biden make a historic mistake at the Fed?

... ed by the COVID-19 pandemic should be accommodated. The first factor is fading away. Without Trump in office, and without the fear that tight money will erode vote margins in the short run, Republican ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-02

越南製造加工出口(00422) 其他-業務發展最新情況

越南製造加工出口(00422) 自願性公告越南仁澤生產設施在 COVID-19 於越南最近發展下的進一步最新營 ...全文


Why Is COVID-19 surging in America again?

Throughout 2020 and into early 2021, there was hope that with some luck and enough vaccines, it would be possible to end the COVID-19 pandemic in a quick and decisive manner. By this summer, it became ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-01

The electric vehicle revolution goes global

... hough the COVID-19 pandemic drastically reduced demand for cars, the EV market has continued to grow fast in many countries, including developing economies. Emerging markets have shown that they can a ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-01

Delta impact on consumer behaviour appears limited

The rise in COVID-19 cases in the US, the drop in indicators such as restaurant bookings or passengers passing through airports, plus the plunge of the August Michigan consumer confidence index have r ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-31

How paradigm blindness leads to bad policy

... s for the COVID-19 pandemic – another multi-dimensional crisis for which there is no silver-bullet solution. Even carefully designed policies, motivated by the best of intentions, can fail to have the ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-31

Global wealth migration supercharged by Asian HNWIs

... e ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The region’s sustained wealth accumulation is driving demand for wealth-related services, from personalized advisory that supports their global lifestyle, to solutions tha ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-31

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