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... 跌半成以上。美國兩大Covid-19疫苗股急挫,港股呢邊嘅疫苗股又點可以避過一跌,持有科興股權的中生製藥(01 ...全文


Investing in global vaccine equity acknowledges our shared fate

The extraordinary global effort to develop safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines in record time highlights the power of vaccines to bring us closer to our loved ones and to a more prosperous, equitable ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-12


... 世界肆虐新型冠狀病毒COVID-19的疫情中,各地官方公布的確診及染病致死的數字。英國截至上周一,有61231 ...全文



英國政府無視新型冠狀病毒COVID-19疫情反彈,7月19日大幅度解除防疫限制(解封),包括准許商舖及活動場所 ...全文


港初創推新冠快測 在家20分鐘有結果

現時要檢測新冠肺炎(COVID-19),除了到社區中心採樣,亦可呈交深喉唾液樣本樽,惟流程始終未夠便捷。本港基 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年08月11日


... 全世界在對付新冠病毒COVID-19肆虐中,有沒有這樣的一個安全網?很遺憾,可以說沒有。至今各國政府能夠做到的 ...全文


Are central banks to blame for rising inequality?

...  with the COVID-19 pandemic still raging. While the top 1% in advanced economies would lose money as one country after another was pushed to the brink of default, hundreds of millions of people in poo ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-09

Racial purity and success

... lation to Covid-19 are as transparent as the abyss. Yet in the midst of all this, first came the great news of the triumph of Olympiad Edgar Cheung in the fencing. It reminded me that fencing was intr ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-09


... 球肆虐的新型冠狀病毒COVID-19,各地政府有沒有犯「錯」?回顧之下,可以說具體上應做的,大都做了。但以做出 ...全文



消費券已陸續發放,永安百貨特別推出多重震撼獎賞,包括「消費券加碼賞」及「COVID-19新冠病毒疫苗接種-18 ...全文


America’s new great-power strategy

...  war; the COVID-19 pandemic has already killed more Americans than all the country’s wars, combined, since 1945. Yet, the current US strategy results in a Pentagon budget that is more than 100 times t ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-06

The summer of disaster

The world is facing two disasters that are making the COVID-19 crisis doubly worse than it ought to be. The first is the rise of the Delta variant, which is twice as contagious and 1.5-2 times deadlie ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-06

Year 2: How business leaders can rally their team for success

... es, where Covid-19 has clearly had an impact on lives here and around the world. You guessed it: Our mental health, especially from a professional perspective. Covid-19 has placed an unprecedented amo ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-05

Time to relax global travel restrictions

... isks from COVID-19 have been dramatically changed by vaccination. All vaccines authorized by the US Food and Drug Administration have proved well over 95% effective at preventing deaths, and over 90% ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-04

永嘉集團(03322) 內幕消息 / 其他-業務發展最新情況

永嘉集團(03322) 內幕消息 - 越南廠房在COVID-19於越南最近發展下的進一步最新營運情況(264K ...全文


Keys to winning the war for young Hong Kong talent

Hong Kong’s economy is showing signs of recovery as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic eases. The unemployment rate in Hong Kong fell to 5.5% in the second quarter, from the record high of 7.2% since ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-03

The UK’s science and technology imperative

... effective COVID-19 vaccines has shown. But how can this momentum be maintained across a wide range of areas when we are not confronting an acute crisis? In many respects, the United States is leading ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-03

越南製造加工出口(00422) 其他-業務發展最新情況

越南製造加工出口(00422) 自願性公告越南仁澤生產設施在COVID-19於越南最近發展下的進一步最新營運情 ...全文


Anti-science thinking, bad public education, and trashy films

... e current COVID-19 pandemic. Why believe in vaccines? They falsely believe that this will just implant a chip in their body. 5G? This can cause cancer. These are some of the things that people sometim ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-27

社交處方 解疫時代孤寂

... 愁城,社交滅心魔」。COVID-19肆虐全球已經超過年半,但仍然未能受控,變種病毒「推陳出新」,所有先進大國的 ...全文


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