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... 。 在上一篇中提及,COVID-19冠狀病毒在人體細胞內自我複製的過程中,須有一個叫3CL-Protease的 ...全文


The stickiness of pandemic-driven economic behavior

When COVID-19 arrived, firms, workers, and consumers had to adapt quickly in order to continue operating under the constraints that the pandemic imposed. As vaccines enable a resumption of more “norma ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-09


... 傷及身體器官組織。 COVID-19的冠狀病毒進入人體細胞,利用細胞中的現成設施大幅度自我複製。之後全都走出細 ...全文


The G20 must act now to vaccinate the world

When G20 finance ministers meet in Venice on July 9-10, they should adopt a plan to immunize the world against COVID-19. Every vaccine-producing country will be in the room: the United States, the Uni ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-08


2019年底爆發的「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」(COVID-19)乃是由一類冠狀病毒所引致,那叫「嚴重急性呼吸道症候 ...全文


Border reopening: Hong Kong needs to speed up

... number of Covid-19 cases on daily basis, is discussing to resume normal travel with a plan to be announced later this week. Unfortunately Hong Kong has seen inconsistencies in its open gate policy, ev ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-07


COVID-19疫情肆虐下,人與人之間須保持社交距離,世界各大城市紛紛短期封閉,限制進出。那當然導致嚴重損失。 ...全文


Making trade work for everyone

Protectionism is on the rise in many parts of the world, and the COVID-19 pandemic is only partly to blame. This is hardly a new phenomenon. When I was Indonesia’s trade minister a decade ago, trade l ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-06

How to use Europe’s excess savings

The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis like no other. In 2020, it plunged the global economy into its deepest recession since World War II. But, after a year in the doldrums, Europe’s private firms and hou ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-06


... 金簽證」成功獲批,在Covid-19疫情下是一個非常注目的數字。雖然這項目一直標榜「移民不移居」,但其實當地氣 ...全文


Under the Latin American volcano

... new daily COVID-19 cases in Latin America already four times higher than the emerging-market median, even as a third wave of the pandemic sets in, the region’s 650 million people face an unfolding hum ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-02

【價值工房】賽生藥業多項新品上市 提升産品矩陣豐富度

... 驗;啓動美國、意大利COVID-19 治療與預防的臨床研究及完成Sepsis 及急性胰腺炎研究入組,市場前景大 ...全文



... 用其全平台技術,開發COVID-19在研疫苗,分別採用已在獲批疫苗上得到驗證的所有4種技術路線,即mRNA、滅 ...全文


A little geopolitics is a dangerous thing

...  like the COVID-19 pandemic, which will not end until there is universal vaccination. Using “geopolitics” promiscuously achieves nothing, because invoking the term is no substitute for substantive dis ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-30

The pandemic threat to female leadership

One in four. That’s the proportion of American women who are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce due to the impact of COVID-19. In just one year, the pandemic has driven mo ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-30

檢測需求殷切 康聖勢獲青睞

... 臨床檢驗服務;亦提供COVID-19相關檢測服務以及眾多醫療機構傳統和常規提供的常規檢測。 資料顯示,按202 ...全文


通脹重來幻似真 科技創新效益增

... 年新型冠狀肺炎病毒(COVID-19)肆虐,環球經濟幾乎癱瘓,文娛康樂、旅遊觀光、零售消費等一蹶不振,並非放鬆 ...全文

今日信報時事評論鄭宏泰 陸觀豪2021年06月30日

Post-Covid, should investors worry about inflation?

... While the Covid-19 pandemic isn’t over, vaccines are helping some parts of the world turn the corner and the hope is that risks will decrease as the year progresses. Looking ahead, investors need to n ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-29


新冠病毒COVID-19的出現和肆虐,至今已近兩年。這是全世界的災劫,地球上每一個人都大大地受到它的影響。 現 ...全文



COVID-19肆虐全球已經超過年半,目前約有1.8億人受感染,接近400萬人死亡,現時部分先進國家的疫苗接種 ...全文


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