
共 1994 個結果
頁數:1...37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ...100

Vaccines and the West’s credibility crisis

... rought by COVID-19, the mishandling of the global vaccine rollout has weakened trust in the international system that emerged after World War II. Combined with memories of the 2008 global financial cr ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-28


5月12號,由於台灣出現COVID-19的社區感染,台股暴瀉兩天,跌幅2070點,達12%。翌日13號,筆者的 ...全文


South Korea: Mapping the path to carbon neutrality

...  that the COVID-19 pandemic has served as a wake-up call regarding the potential risks we face. Political, business, and civil-society leaders are now taking seriously the threat of a future “green sw ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-27

Do free markets still beat central planning?

... hina. The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated this trend. Indeed, America owes its economic recovery largely to massive government intervention. Moreover, President Joe Biden’s administration is now pushi ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-27

Statistics and the pandemic

“There are three kinds of lies,” Mark Twain famously wrote. “Lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Too often, the COVID-19 crisis has lent support to the suspicions Twain’s bon mot expresses. Data are c ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-27

與家庭醫生創建未來 實現全民健康覆蓋

... 019新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行中堅定不移的專業精神。是次活動的主題為「保護、投資、團結合作」,強 ...全文


Leaders and laggards in the post-pandemic recovery

... inty. The COVID-19 crisis likely will lead to an increase in inequality within and across countries. The more that vulnerable cohorts are left behind, the greater the risk of social, political, and ge ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-26


38歲的威廉王子上周二到倫敦科學博物館接種第一劑COVID-19疫苗,但沒有透露是由哪家藥廠供應。報章寫到丹麥 ...全文



每年的5月31日是世界無煙日。世界衞生組織去年發布的科學簡報中指出,吸煙者患COVID-19重症和死亡的風險較 ...全文


“…stratagems and spoils.”

... ctions of Covid-19 has deprived communities. The sharing of which I spoke, as between the musician and the listener is not the only important communal aspect of live music because there is also the in ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-25

遠大醫藥(00512) 其他-業務發展最新情況

遠大醫藥(00512) 自願性公告: 本集團的全球創新產品 STC3141 在比利時完成COVID-19的 I ...全文


Purpose of digital twin: Serving the public

The establishment of digital twins to improve urban governance is a consensus in many countries, the COVID-19 epidemic has catalysed the digital transformation. Digital twin combines 3D modelling with ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-24


美國總統拜登周四簽署《新冠仇恨犯罪法案》(The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act)後正式生效 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年05月22日

Our responsibility to South Asia

Almost one-quarter of humanity lives on the Indian subcontinent. That fact is easily forgotten elsewhere, as world leaders focus on combating outbreaks of COVID-19 and its new variants within their ow ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-21

An edge computing breakup: Out with the old, and in with the new

When COVID-19 arrived in early 2020, enterprises’ first priority was to patch together a communications and information-sharing infrastructure that could sustain operations until work could return to ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-21

【異動股】開拓藥業飆13% 普克魯胺美三期臨床試驗獲批

... 胺用於治療住院新冠(COVID-19)患者的III期臨床試驗,該試驗將同時招募男女性患者。 同時,FDA亦已同 ...全文


美眾院通過反仇亞法 言論監控惹議
一年6600宗暴力事件 加強阻嚇打擊罪行

... 犯罪法案》(The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act)打擊仇亞罪行。法案獲美國總統拜登支持,預 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年05月20日


自世界衞生組織(世衞)於2020年3月11日宣布2019年冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)為全球大流行以來,C ...全文



... 400宗。3月底全國COVID-19的確診數字中,只有0.2%屬變種印度株B.1.617,然後4月中確診印度株 ...全文


開拓藥業-B(09939) 其他-業務發展最新情況

開拓藥業-B(09939) 自願公告 (1)FDA同意開展普克魯胺治療住院COVID-19男女性患者的III期 ...全文


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