
共 1994 個結果
頁數:1...51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ...100

What lifted Trump could sink Biden

... efore the COVID-19 pandemic – and the Trump administration’s utter failure to manage it – wages in the United States were growing faster than at any other time since Bill Clinton was president. If the ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-28

Public-private climate urgency

...  And then COVID-19 struck. Owing to its ferocity and widespread impact, the pandemic has disrupted lives and businesses in ways unseen in our lifetimes as the world was forced to take drastic action – ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-24

中國蜀塔(08623) 其他-業務發展最新情況

中國蜀塔(08623) 自願性公告 - 有關COVID-19爆發之最新業務資料(530KB, pdf) ...全文


Love is, still, all around us

...  keep the Covid-19 under control in what is known as the fourth wave. For almost a year, we are told not to hug or kiss each other because we do not want to risk catching a very infectious disease. Fo ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-23


... 消息傳來,英國發現了COVID-19一株新變種的病毒,比以前的散播速度和強度高出七成,每天新症確診創新高達27 ...全文



... 狀病毒肺炎正式命名為COVID-19。最近病毒出現威脅力更可怕的丕變,據報道,新毒株是一種帶有特定基因突變的病 ...全文


第四波了 請用中藥抗疫吧!

先說一個近期的COVID-19病案,患者B女士是一位間接的病人,「間接」是因為沒親手把脈看診。事緣我們有一位森 ...全文


Can Americans forgive one another?

... o surging COVID-19 infections and the pandemic’s attendant economic hardships, the US is seething with resentment and division. Donald Trump, the lame-duck president, openly speculates about pardoning ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-22

Why HK’s digital transformation shouldn’t end when COVID-19 does

Throughout 2020, the worldwide spread of COVID-19 has introduced adversity for each of us personally and challenges for every sector professionally. Since the very start of the pandemic, the overridin ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-22


... 中「新型冠狀病毒」(COVID-19)身上的尖刺(也稱spike)帶出場。這病毒之所以被稱為「冠狀」,正正就是 ...全文



... 經濟又受到新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情的影響。但這些國家都按照2015年巴黎氣候協定的要求,在今年底的截止 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年12月21日

Looking forward to HK's next level of smart city development

...  with the COVID-19 epidemic that seriously hit the local economy, we need to move quickly. Therefore, I would like to raise the following questions regarding the Blueprint 2.0, especially from the vie ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-21


... 9冠狀病毒疾病」及「COVID-19」字樣,很少聽說有註明「武漢肺炎」字樣。 俄芭蕾舞團爆疫全體離台 至於原定 ...全文


Countdown to climate catastrophe

... ed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet every one of these countries delivered updated climate plans to the United Nations, as set out in the 2015 Paris climate agreement, before the deadline at the end of t ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-18


COVID-19危機揭示了人類面臨的挑戰有多麼錯綜複雜。生物多樣性損失和不平等的加劇,導致全球公共衞生災難,觸 ...全文

今日信報時事評論Bertrand Badre, Camille Putois2020年12月18日


新冠病毒(COVID-19)危機揭示了我們所面臨的主要挑戰有多麼錯綜複雜。生物多樣性損失和不平等性的加劇,導致 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年12月17日

Next frontier of responsible business: Universal ESG standards

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed how intertwined all of our major challenges are. Biodiversity loss and rising inequalities have contributed to a global public-health disaster and the worst economic c ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-17

Why “China-Plus-One” strategy remains superior in post-Covid era

... st of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a massive upheaval to global economies, giving rise to nation-wide shutdowns of factories in China and subsequent global supply chain dysfunctions. In view of t ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-17


... 化的未來。新冠病毒(COVID-19)戲劇性地提醒我們,我們與生物圈互動的方式削弱了我們的社會韌性。但世界仍然 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2020年12月16日

The great reset

... rging new Covid-19 cases in some parts of the world and waning global economic momentum. Global central banks remain committed to ultra-loose monetary policy and continued fiscal support for the nasce ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-16

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