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禮來藥廠斥資187億 收購生化藥廠Dice

美國藥廠禮來(Eli Lilly)同意斥資24億美元(187.2億港元),收購免疫力疾病新藥研究企業Dice ...全文


Loading justice’s dice

Politicians of all stripes hate being criticised, which is curious when you realise that no-one can be right all the time. Assuming public office does not render one inviolate in autocracies. I realis ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-06


...  not play dice!給Niels Bohr斥責: Stop telling God what to ...全文



愛恩斯坦名言『God does not play dice with the universe』,呢個世界咩事 ...全文


英歐重開自貿談判 進入艱難48小時
捕魚權互不退讓 約翰遜馮德萊恩周一再通電

... ow of the dice),若未能打破僵局,談判很大機會宣告破裂。 英傳媒形容是最後一博 英國《每日電訊報 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年12月07日

軟件工程師吃香 美科企重金搶人

... 高。當地技術職業網站Dice Insights發現,合稱FAAMG的五大科企,上月起出手格外闊綽;持有H-1B ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年07月31日

John Company: a board game inspired by the age of colonization

... ls of the dice could bankrupt the company. Indian politics was not stable at all. I should not have spent the company's money like it grew on trees. Families must handle the company's finances much mo ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-23

Board game fun: Axis & Allies & Zombies

... roll many dice during battles. The game mechanisms are not particularly complex, but it does take some effort to digest, in particular to remember the unique abilities of the different unit types and ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-10


... rame及Area dice game等關於加數及面積的遊戲。   ...全文


Building community crucial to data platform success: Tableau

... slice and dice customer data by different attributes with ease, so that they can leverage analytics to glean insights on the business. The other thing that sets Tableau apart from other vendors in the ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-08

伊斯坦布爾姊妹花打造 土耳其型格代表Dice Kayek

... 2年創辦高級時裝品牌Dice Kayek,從家鄉的建築風格汲取靈感,設計的服飾既古典又現代,而且顏色鮮明,風格 ...全文


Wanda Sports: Wander for wonders

... lling the dice continuously, Wanda acquired, in January 2016, from the French listed Lagardere group the endurance event division which runs triathlons and marathons across the globe. In April 2017, W ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-09

The geoengineering fallacy

...  roll the dice on geoengineering. Copyright: Project Syndicate -- Contact us at [email protected] RA ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-13

Food to keep you well amid the spring chill

...  root and dice it into small cubes. 2. Remove the scales and internal organs of the carp fish. Heat the frying pan with oil and ginger and then pan-fry both sides of the fish. Use a kitchen towel to a ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-10

Theresa May’s Trump card

...  roll the dice on a hard Brexit. This represents not only an astonishing reversal of US policy toward Europe – which has, for seven decades, unswervingly supported European integration – but also a dr ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-27

「賭神」上身 博彩遊戲腕錶

... 設計的Bubble Dice,製錶師完全捕捉了玩家的心理,兩枚骰子均以6點一面來顯示,自當然每局必勝,更在3點 ...全文


Lee Kum Kee: The family grows and stays together

... owing the dice Currently, there are nine members in the family council board, including Lee Man-tat, his five children and three grandchildren. Major decisions are decided by a 29-member family assemb ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-16

How polls erred in predicting US election winner

...  weighted dice. In many states, it turned out, the side of the dice representing white voters in suburban and rural counties carried a heavier weight, and the side representing urbanites a lighter one ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-10

TCM advice for people prone to allergies

... ungus and dice the Hami melon. 4. Add all the ingredients into a pot of water and heat the soup until it boils. Turn stove to medium-low fire for another 1.5 hours. Season the soup with salt. This art ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-09

Swiss study links weather extremes to global warming

... ading the dice in favor of extremes. "The approach here is reminiscent of medical studies, where it is not possible to attribute a single fatality from lung cancer to smoking," they said. Even so, smo ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-28

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