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SoFi acquires Hong Kong's 8 Securities in first global push

As its first international foothold, US-based online personal finance firm SoFi announced its acquisition of investing app 8 Securities in Hong Kong, to be rebranded as SoFi Hong Kong. The terms of th ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-28

‘We are entering a new normal in freight markets’: Flexport

As the coronavirus pandemic has virtually halted global travel, online forwarder Flexport said the firm experienced directly the sharp decline in shipping volume. "We are entering a new normal - the u ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-22

Neat secures funding from PCG, Visa, MassMutual amid pandemic

Neat, a FinTech startup offering financial solutions to SMEs and startups, announced last week its US$11 million Series A funding round, led by Pacific Century Group (PCG), the investment business of ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-17

Worrying signs for China: Heightened hubris amid pandemic

In recent weeks, China's state media has been packed wi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2020年04月16日

Startup to enhance emergency preparedness amid virus outbreak

The current coronavirus pandemic could last for months or longer. Under the crisis scenario, Redfora, a startup which focuses on selling disaster supplies and earthquake kits, is looking to boost the ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-15

Coronavirus truce: China, US suspend feud to fight common enemy

An hour-long telephone conversation between US Presiden ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2020年04月02日


筆者上周寫過〈科網股難「免疫」〉一文,指疫情令全球消費急劇萎縮,即使外賣App等看似能夠受惠的生意,也難獨善其 ...全文


銀行人保飯碗 小股東付賬單

震撼全球的疫情危機令很多打工仔擔心飯碗不穩,不過銀行業人士暫還可放心,包括滙豐、花旗、摩根士丹利等都表明會延遲 ...全文



新冠肺炎疫情爆發以來,環球股市向下滾,唯獨科網股依然堅挺,似有「免疫」抗體。這背後存在着合理邏輯基礎,一來人們 ...全文


Fintech association urges govt support for local startups

Financial technology startups are calling on the Hong Kong SAR government to immediately launch measures to help the industry cope with the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, which is wreaking havoc ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-23

Bitcoin continues to draw investors despite recent slide: eToro

Since its launch more than a decade ago, bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency by market cap, was regarded by believers to be the “digital gold”, a new type of safe-haven investment like gold that would ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-23


內地最大電訊商中移動(00941)手機用戶在1月至2月份驟減811萬個,屬史上首次倒退,引起議論紛紛,有人據此 ...全文


大眾執笠 書業未死

經濟寒冬,有40年歷史的大眾書局突然倒閉,本地16家分店同日拉閘。這固然反映書店行業在疫情危機下雪上加霜,但亦 ...全文


What should China do if KMT scraps the 1992 Consensus?

Just as Beijing is basking in its success in containing ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2020年03月19日


「搵錢難,派錢也不易」。為了紓困救市,美國總統特朗普揚言於兩星期內向所有成年國民每人寄出1000美元支票,預料 ...全文



歐洲球壇有「四大聯賽」,即英格蘭、西班牙、德國、意大利,四國今次的抗疫政策各有不同風格,大致分為兩個陣營。令人 ...全文



環球股市上周五止瀉回升,斷不代表今次「肺炎股災」已告一段落。相反,從中國經濟角度出發,現在只是第一波衝擊暫時喘 ...全文


抗疫手忙腳亂 救市泥牛入海

新型冠狀病毒肺炎全球大流行,繼美國上星期緊急減息,昨天英國亦下調利率半厘,且從財政預算急急撥出三百億英鎊救經濟 ...全文



雖然新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情嚴峻,但警民衝突仍然沒有遏止跡象,持續大半年的社會撕裂狀況從未得以改善。剛過去的星期日 ...全文


HK image pushes homegrown AI startup to move to US

Tech entrepreneurs Taylor Host and Jamie Wilde, who have resided in Hong Kong for years, founded artificial intelligence startup Miro AI in 2017, using AI and computer vision technology to analyze bod ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-10

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