內地百業淡靜,但人總要食飯,所以外賣App是少數繼續火熱的行業之一,帶動美團(03690)晉身紅底股,市值近6 ...全文
民主派在區議會選舉大獲全勝,加上美國國會遞交的《香港人權與民主法案》上周火速獲總統特朗普簽署正式成為法律,「反 ...全文
人怕出名豬怕肥,被譽為「中國No.1經濟師」的安信證券首席經濟學家高善文,憑着分析精闢、預測準確,備受大量粉絲 ...全文
Among the tech firms around the world that have hopped onto distributed ledger technology (DLT), which is more commonly known as blockchain, is South Korean internet firm Kakao. The company, which ope ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-29
反修例風暴把香港撕裂成黃藍兩大陣營,不少行業的企業被示威者歸類,尤以飲食界最為嚴重,支持五大訴求的「黃店」備受 ...全文
Passage of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2019年11月28日
The dairy industry causes more damage to the environment than many people think. The massive production has an impact on various things: climate, soil, water resources, and even public health. "Enjoyi ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-26
Bakkt, a digital asset-focused startup affiliated with the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), listed its much-awaited Bitcoin Futures contracts ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-26
執筆時,美國眾議院剛通過參議院版本的《香港人權與民主法案》(下稱《人權民主法案》),同時並通過《保護香港法案》 ...全文
為求強勢壓制中國,美國參眾兩院火速通過《香港人權與民主法案》,以及限制非致命武器出口的《保護香港法案》,首以法 ...全文