疫情災難未過,經濟災難同樣要警惕。阿里巴巴(09988)宣布220億元人民幣紓困措施,為旗下商戶免租、減費、提 ...全文
全中國窮於應對的新型冠狀病毒武漢肺炎,迄今已經奪去超過一千條寶貴人命,災情更甚於十七年前的沙士。眾多死者之中, ...全文
(First of a two-part series) The coronavirus outbreak has sparked panic-buying in Hong Kong, with residents snapping up all the surgical masks they could find as well as daily necessities such as rice ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-10
(Second of a two-part series) "Virtual waiting room" technology firm Queue-it, launched in 2010 in Copenhagen, Denmark, provides a first-in, first-out online waiting system for transactional websites, ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-10
抗疫戰爭至今,中國政府正面臨兩難困局,一方面在全國採取「封城」極端手段,隔絕人與人接觸,務求把疫情一舉殲滅;但 ...全文
傳媒每天報道武漢肺炎的新聞,看着內地的感染和死亡人數不斷上升,然而都只是一堆沒有名字的數字。日前終於有一個病逝 ...全文
As I board the taxi at Bangkok airport with my Hong Kon ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2020年02月06日
Hong Kong-based remittance startup Bitspark is closing operations next month, six years after its launch.Under its set-up, customer funds are converted into cryptocurrencies before they are transferre ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-05
歲晚近收爐,不巧遇上疫情危機,惟市面總或多或少有點holiday mood。今日姑且輕鬆談論兩個相關議題,一是 ...全文
中國國家統計局上周五公布二○一九年國民經濟運行狀況,可喜的是「保六」不辱使命,可憂的則是國內生產總值(GDP) ...全文
In the 1970s, with Britain's 99-year lease over most of ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2020年01月23日