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騰訊控股(00700)與私募股權基金KKR公布,將以最多1.75億美元(約13.65億港元),認購菲律賓電訊公 ...全文


Faster payment system pushes HK towards cashless society

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the de facto central bank, has recently unveiled the Faster Payment System (FPS). The system, operated by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited, allows instant ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-05


自從香港金管局於兩年前發出首批儲值支付工具(SVF)牌照,以智能手機操作的電子支付便迅速發展。根據金管局的數字 ...全文


Tencent, Alibaba chase remittances in battle for Southeast Asia

For Chinese tech giants Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Tencent Holdings Ltd. (00700.HK), Southeast Asian domestic helpers in Hong Kong may prove key to their global ambitions in financial services. Bo ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-28

How WeLab incorporates fintech into retail business

Despite its reputation as a financial center and focus on technology and innovation, Hong Kong has been criticized for its slow adoption of financial technology. The city, however, is working hard to ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-27


任何嘢,一入到大陸就會變壞,好男人會變壞,好產品、好商業模式會變山寨,騙徒更加騙到華爾街。 騙徒手法層出不窮, ...全文


高管答問縱閃避 AI破解財報玄機

美國科技巨頭Facebook今年7月底公布2018年二季度財報,雖然財務報告符合預期,但在其後召開的財報電話會 ...全文


整合資源發揮協同效應 區塊鏈結盟投資雙贏

加密貨幣市場近期再現波動,比特幣(Bitcoin)、以太幣(Ethereum)急挫,動搖投資者信心。惟各行各業 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月21日


內地金融業最近有兩宗新聞,令業界人士十分感慨,一是平保(02318)據報解散資產管理團隊,改用AI(人工智能) ...全文


Why HKMA's new faster payment system is a big deal

Facing criticism that it is lagging China and some other jurisdictions in Asia in adoption of mobile payments and financial technology development, Hong Kong has been seeking to enhance its financial ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-19


中美貿易戰升級,瑞銀財富管理大中華區主席盧彩雲相信,市場短期波動難免,但以心理影響為主,畢竟美國佔中國出口比例 ...全文


New York state sues US govt over fintech bank charters

New York state has launched a lawsuit against the US federal government, calling for voiding of a decision to award national bank charters to online lenders and payment companies. The state's top bank ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-17

金管暑假創業營 大專生快閃遊「中國矽谷」

全世界對金融科技界人才極之渴求,金管局金融科技促進辦公室(FinTech Facilitation Offic ...全文



金管局金融科技總監周文正在匯思撰文表示,今年金管局金融科技促進辦公室(Fintech Facilitation ...全文



隨着本地首輪虛擬銀行牌照申請於8月底截止,金融界的科技之戰即將進一步升溫。不過,各大金融機構和創科企業要在這場 ...全文


比特幣能否大獲成功 ?

外界對於比特幣的疑慮仍不絕於耳。畢竟,這有事實為證:此電子貨幣在2018年經歷了大起大落,幣值最高曾飆升至逾1 ...全文

今日信報理財投資CFA投資視野Ron Rimkus2018年09月08日

P2P money exchange platform CurrencyFair bets big on RMB biz

CurrencyFair, a Dublin-based online peer-to-peer (P2P) foreign exchange marketplace, announced last month the acquisition of Hong Kong payment services firm Convoy Payments, signaling the fintech star ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-03


流動互聯網、雲端運算、人工智能(AI)等新技術湧現,開啟金融科技(FinTech)時代的大門。外滙交易平台Cu ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月03日

Fintechs, telecom firms apply for HK virtual banking licenses

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has received applications for virtual banking licenses from at least a dozen banks, fintechs and telecom firms, Reuters reports. The bidders include China’s Ant Financ ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-30

Open banking: Endless opportunities for HK financial sector

The global banking industry is undergoing a wave of disruption and there has never been a better time for fintechs and developers to hitch a ride on the wave. Introduction of the Hong Kong Monetary Au ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-30

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