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日醫生阿富汗遇襲亡 安倍表震驚惋惜

日本非政府組織「白沙瓦會」(Peshawar-kai)車隊在阿富汗東部遇襲,6人喪生,包括組織負責人中村哲醫生 ...全文


Govt unveils new measures to support businesses amid downturn

... or of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal to reduce the fees and rents of cruise lines and tenants of the terminal for six months from Dec. 1. Meanwhile, a one-time rental subsidy scheme will be launched for ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-05


... (Peshawar-kai)的車輛,在首府賈拉拉巴德(Jalalabad)行駛途中,遭到多名槍手伏擊,車上除中 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年12月05日


... 旗下同區OASIS KAI TAK(下稱OASIS)則加設1088天超長成交期及先住後付計劃,令同區戰況轉趨激 ...全文


Is HK Human Rights and Democracy Act a piece of scrap paper?

Following the passage of The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act by both the US Senate and the House of Representatives, US President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed it into law. The legislation ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-28

Huawei's startup story and its early ties with Hong Kong

... tycoon Li Kai-shing agreed to try out Huawei’s products. Huawei won the business, which set it on the path of getting other overseas orders. Now, let's wait and see what the next episode will talk abo ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-27


... -wo-mi-ru-kai),招待對社會有貢獻的不同界別人士及外國大使聚首一堂,與首相一邊賞花,一邊交流意見。 ...全文



香港置業高級營業經理楊錦河稱,九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK 2座中高層E室,兩房間隔,實用面積451方 ...全文



九龍東啟德OASIS KAI TAK 2座中高層E室,2房間隔,望內園景,實用面積約451方呎,業主以約1.8 ...全文


新鴻基公司(00086) 債券及結構性產品 - [贖回或購回 - 債務證券]

新鴻基公司(00086) 自願公佈 — 結算以現金購買由Sun Hung Kai & Co. (BVI) Li ...全文


消閒親子養生3主題 32設施有動有靜

... 產發展的OASIS KAI TAK,以及保利置業(00119)發展的龍譽,都已全部落成入伙。6個項目當中以龍譽 ...全文


新鴻基公司(00086) 債券及結構性產品 - [贖回或購回 - 債務證券]

新鴻基公司(00086) 自願公佈 — 以現金購買由Sun Hung Kai & Co. (BVI) Limi ...全文


Voters must seize the DC election opportunity

Hong Kong's sixth District Council election is scheduled for Nov. 24. Compared to the last DC race, the numbers of seats up for election this time are up by 21, taking the total to 452. In all these 4 ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-13

Time for Hong Kong to develop offshore wind energy farms

According to a report recently published by an environmental group, our city’s score in environmental protection efforts is below average. In particular, Hong Kong is lagging far behind its counterpar ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-07

新鴻基公司(00086) 債券及結構性產品 - [贖回或購回 - 債務證券]

新鴻基公司(00086) 自願公佈 — 以現金購買由Sun Hung Kai & Co. (BVI) Limi ...全文


Crypto: Utopian visions and reality

... ngs work. Kai Stinchcombe recently wrote, “after years of tireless effort and billions of dollars invested, nobody has actually come up with a use for the blockchain – besides currency speculation and ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-31

Govt unveils HK$100 million cash incentives for travel agents

...  Pang Yiu-kai said the incentives would encourage travel agents to do their best to gain customers, especially overnight visitors, while hotels, retail, catering and transport industries would also be ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-24

What was the message that required Lam's immediate attention?

... Chan Tong-kai who is now aged 20, walked free from jail in Hong Kong on Wednesday after serving an 18-month term for money laundering.  Taiwan had earlier reportedly put in a request for its officials ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-23

HK government formally scraps extradition bill

... Chan Tong-kai was accused of murdering his girlfriend in Taiwan last year before fleeing back to the Hong Kong. Chan was arrested by Hong Kong police in March 2018 and authorities there were only able ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-23

New measures unveiled to help businesses hit by social unrest

...  Pang Yiu-kai and TIC chairman Jason Wong Chun-tat are also present at the event. Paul Chan promised that the government “will continue to monitor the situation closely, and if there are areas that re ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-23

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