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... 迪(John F. Kennedy)後捲土重來。尼克遜出鏡前跟艾爾斯閒談,抱怨竟然要靠電視此等綽頭來爭選票。艾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2016年08月20日

252 East 57th Street限量發售

... 場(John F. Kennedy International Airport)車程只約30分鐘,交通便捷。 ...全文


Why Hong Kong is saying 'yes' to craft beer

Breweries are popping up all over the city, and craft beer bars are taking up sizeable spaces in areas ranging from Kennedy Town to Ap Lei Chau. Not seen on this scale before, craft brewers are creati ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-08


... 美國甘迺迪太空中心(Kennedy Space Center),順利完成了為期9天的「太空探索之旅」,體驗星際 ...全文


How HK is grappling with a North Korean defector crisis

...  Tsui and Kennedy Town. The Korean International School, founded in 1988, is located in Sai Wan Ho. The Hong Kong government is preparing to set up an economic and trade office, a quasi-embassy, in Se ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-29

HSBC senior executive arrested in US forex trading probe

... t John F. Kennedy International Airport on Tuesday night and was released on Wednesday on a US$1 million bond following a court hearing, the report said. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-21

名模出身曾拍裸照 恐「堅離地」

... acqueline Kennedy)為榜樣,適切打扮亮相雜誌封面,但維持低調,不介入公共事務。 特朗普修補跟共 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年07月20日

Deadly Kennedy Town fire may have been deliberate

Saturday's Kennedy Town fire which killed four people may have been started deliberately. Public broadcaster RTHK is citing early investigations by the Fire Services Department which indicate the poss ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-18

Govt must rethink Kennedy Town garden demolition plan

More than 5,000 people have signed up on a petition to express their objection to a planned demolition of the Cadogan Street Temporary Garden in Kennedy Town. The park had been incorporated into a Ke ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-11

甘迺迪遇刺地 達拉斯氣氛「超現實」

槍擊案現場位處美國前總統甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)1963年遭刺殺的迪利廣場(Dealey Pl ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年07月09日

Lying and leadership

... . John F. Kennedy misled the public about the withdrawal of US nuclear warheads from Turkey in the deal that peacefully ended the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Moreover, Franklin D. Roosevelt lied to ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-08


新鴻基地產表示,IMPERIAL KENNEDY前方的發展項目受100米的高度限制,故25樓以上可享無遮擋景致 ...全文


新澤西威霍肯 曼哈頓後花園
一河之隔 樓價平三成

... 場(John F. Kennedy International Airport)、紐瓦克自由國際機場(Newa ...全文


即買即住 信步到港鐵

... 的IMPERIAL KENNEDY剛開始收樓,最強賣點之一的雙子式會所亦首度曝光,置身天際會所,可盡覽西區以至 ...全文


軍工股HII持大單 確保盈利

... S John F. Kennedy(CVN-79)、USS Enterprise(CVN-80)的前期工作業已 ...全文


「女性」影像 賦權發聲

... 製Kathleen Kennedy從容地伸長腿坐在混亂的片場裏;曾經擔任谷歌副總裁,現為面書營運長的桑德伯格( ...全文


民建聯流年不利 大佬「晚景」坎坷

... 、老父Joseph Kennedy多年經營、英俊有型、漂亮妻子缺一不可。另一方面,台上的政客要華麗轉身,漂亮地 ...全文


沖繩美軍再生事 醉駕傷兩人

... (Caroline Kennedy),表示日方極度遺憾並強烈抗議,敦促美軍防止類似事件再發生。卡羅琳為事件致歉 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年06月06日

沖繩美軍棄屍案 安倍擬對質奧巴馬

... (Caroline Kennedy),提出抗議。警方表示, 被捕32歲美軍文職人員已承認棄屍,但警方沒說明他是 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年05月21日

英倘脫歐 美戰略部署大亂

... 迪(John F. Kennedy)對英國加入歐共體的強烈取態,是麥美倫(Harold Macmillan)政 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野陳偉信2016年04月30日

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