
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 ...150


... y so everyone can have a home. I think it is important ...全文


Public housing waiting time unlikely to get shorter

... ed, about one-third are scheduled for completion in the next five years, with the remaining two-thirds to be ready in the following five. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-09

What really matters in the Sino-American competition?

...  the US; none is in China. But China is investing heavily in research and development, and it is already competing with the US in key fields, not least artificial intelligence (AI), where it aims to b ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-09

The Prince and the Bishop

... by having one, as we have all been traumatized by political divisions, generational discords and wealth rifts in recent years. Bishop Chow is a Jesuit, with his pastoral trainings received from the So ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-08

Remembering Anita Mui

It’s usually rather hard to put pen to paper on a stranger. It’s even harder to articulate clearly one’s thoughts on a stranger who had passed before one has come of age. Candle in the wind – Elton Jo ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-08

Advancing ESG efforts

...  has been one of the three great levers of change in history. It has the power to alter the trajectory of entire civilizations. For many decades, capital flows have followed a simple rule defined by t ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-08


... 『萬應良方』(no one size fits all in democracy)」,而民主的終極目標應是改善 ...全文



... lation is one of the methods but there are more options ...全文



... 5號舖紅茶、The ONE L12東海薈.拉斐特、紅磡黃埔花園奇妙坊祥榮餐廳、旺角雅蘭中心稻香漁港市集。 此外 ...全文


The great labor market shakeup

... ignation. One obvious factor is fear of COVID-19, especially among those who live with elderly or immunocompromised relatives. Low-wage workers do not want to log long hours in service-industry settin ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-07

U.S. and China: Healing a wounded relationship

... e was the one who requested a meeting with Xi, just as he had initiated the phone call with the Chinese leader in September. In fact, the Chinese attitude changed markedly after the Sept. 9 phone call ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-07

待批預售單位16011伙 逾3年高

... 24年4月底入伙。 ONE CENTRAL PLACE嵐玥准賣樓 同月僅有2宗預售申請獲批准,涉及123伙,其 ...全文


Loading justice’s dice

Politicians of all stripes hate being criticised, which is curious when you realise that no-one can be right all the time. Assuming public office does not render one inviolate in autocracies. I realis ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-06


... footsteps one day. 」 此外,我早年撰文提及日本「最強市民跑者」川內優輝,在得悉我跑畢百馬後 ...全文


Investing in Our Future

As one of the world's major international financial cen ...全文


頁數:1...139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 ...150

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