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嘉峯匯4洋房下月登場 啟德首供應

... 東啟德MONACO ONE(MONACO發展項目第1期)銷售成績理想,第2期料短期內獲批預售樓花,有機會在本月 ...全文


會地MONACO ONE第2期成明年新盤頭炮

會德豐地產發展的九龍東啟德MONACO ONE第2期快將獲批預售,預料為明年新盤響頭炮。 會德豐地產常務董事黃 ...全文


Wonder Dynamics融資900萬美元

電影《挑戰者1號》(Ready Player One)男主角Tye Sheridan有份創辦的初創公司Wond ...全文


‘The Establishment: And how they get away with it’ -Owen Jones

When watching gaffe after gaffe from Boris “Peppa Pig World; A COVID-Free Christmas is on its way” Johnson, one can’t help but think – how does he get away with it? More broadly, how does the Establis ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-13

Can Hong Kong’s education system prevent ‘involution’?

... listed as one of the top ten buzzwords in Mainland China. In fact, involution is not a challenge unique to young people in the Mainland, as Hong Kong faces similar issues in its education system and t ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-13

Digital transformation of HK's construction industry

... mbersome. One of the major issues is how to properly manage the huge amount of information and assets including building plans, documents, site materials and machinery, and to comply with various gove ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-13


加拿大安大略省上周六遭狂風吹襲,迄今未收到傷亡報告。電力公司Hydro One表示,超過28萬戶一度失去電力供 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月13日

信置元朗甲廈One North下月招租

信和置業(00083)宣布,將於明年第三季推出元朗首個甲級寫字樓綜合項目One North(朗壹)。信和集團資 ...全文



... wns - the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one ...全文


現代社會要我們勞動 但不容我們生活

... 地!」「若Tier One(投資銀行)前沒有位置,那我們得退而求其次,嘗試Tier One尾吧,要不然很難看的 ...全文



... 該行預期,隨着東傲及One Two One等多個工商新盤本年底至明年初推售,市場銷售氣氛熾熱,加上中港免檢疫通 ...全文


Remembering Anita

... e clearly one's thoughts on a stranger who had passed b ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年12月11日

中環舊樓6380萬沽 36年升值48倍

市區全幢物業有價有市,位於快將開售的新盤中環ONE CENTRAL PLACE附近的士丹利街全幢舊樓,以約63 ...全文


Republican martyrs

One might well wonder what a pudgy teenager was doing roaming the streets of a Midwestern town with a semi-automatic assault rifle, claiming to be a defender of citizens and property. But that is not ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-10

Big issues for 2022

... ffective monetary policies, or weak productivity growth. The implications for financial markets would be quite different depending on which of these factors are at work, and to what extent. Many other ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-10

Food for thought: The soybean journey from East to West

When most people think about soybeans, their first thought is probably of food. After all, this tiny bean has grown to become one of the top ten most valuable agricultural products in the world. Sweet ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-10

頁數:1...138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 ...150

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