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ONE STANLEY邀著名建築大師設計

建灝地產旗下赤柱黃麻角豪宅項目ONE STANLEY,邀得著名建築大師Robert A.M. Stern親自操 ...全文


‘Brahn boots’

In a day and age where so many men in suits wear designer trainers of one brand or another, the very idea of wearing leather shoes that match the rest of one’s attire may appear a trifle antedeluvian. ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-13

朗譽周日盡推128伙 12月響頭炮

有全新樓盤在淡市下出擊,保利置業(00119)及賭王四太梁安琪旗下尚嘉控股合作發展的油塘高超道朗譽,周日(12 ...全文


ONE STANLEY最快明年首季推 設7000呎大洋房

建灝地產旗下赤柱黃麻角豪宅項目ONE STANLEY,設有海景獨立洋房及低密度分層住宅,項目依山臨海而建,背靠 ...全文



建灝地產旗下赤柱黃麻角道豪宅項目啟動軟銷工作,發展商昨天公布,該樓盤命名為「ONE STANLEY」,提供超過 ...全文


ONE STANLEY涉逾80伙 料明年次季現樓推

建灝地產旗下赤柱黃麻角豪宅項目,命名為ONE STANLEY,項目地盤面積約27.2萬方呎,建築面積約22.6 ...全文


The open road to the metaverse

The metaverse is open for business, and financial services have a role to play. How can payments providers and their technology partners help create more open, and more secure, virtual environments – ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-25

Netflix內外交困 強敵步步進逼

Netflix股價從去年11月的700美元歷史高位跌至周四(4月7日)收報362美元,幾近腰斬。Netflix ...全文


Smart prison to address challenge of high staff turnover

The Correctional Services Department (CSD) has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including ageing facilities, serious staff turnover. To overcome these challenges, one must start from capabil ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-29

創科往績驕人 博年內破頂

美國通脹失控,美股又處於歷史高位,短期內回調風險甚高,地產及金融股料首當其衝。不過既具防守性又有經濟復甦概念的 ...全文


【EJFQ信析】市場開始知驚 美股考驗在後

「殿堂級炒家」索羅斯早年的量子基金首席操盤手兼愛徒德魯肯米勒(Stanley Druckenmiller)上周 ...全文


市場開始知驚 美股考驗在後

「殿堂級炒家」索羅斯早年的量子基金首席操盤手兼愛徒德魯肯米勒(Stanley Druckenmiller)上周 ...全文


Accelerating digital transformation post COVID-19

Over the last four years, there has been a massive increase in the amount spent on cloud services - Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-14

Lessons from missteps of democratic governments amid pandemic

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s hasty revocation of a hastily announced Easter lockdown was surprising, even shocking, given her ever-calm demeanor. Even more extraordinary was the apology she issue ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-31

Adelson made Macao, Macao made Adelson

After the handover to China, the Macao SAR government ended the gambling monopoly of Stanley Ho and invited foreign companies to bid for a licence. The big Las Vegas casino owners were not so interest ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-26

Big banks delay job cuts to deal with virus

The coronavirus outbreak has put millions of people out of job across the world. However, several leading banks such as HSBC, Citibank and Morgan Stanley have promised to delay their layoff plans. Tha ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-31

A Greater Depression?

The shock to the global economy from COVID-19 has been both faster and more severe than the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC) and even the Great Depression. In those two previous episodes, stock mark ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-25

Trudeau to be in isolation after wife contracts coronavirus

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be in isolation for two weeks after his wife, Sophie, tested positive for coronavirus, Reuters reports. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau recently returned from Londo ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

HSBC sends home 100 London staff, confirms China virus case

Banking giant HSBC has sent home more than 100 staff in London after a worker tested positive for the coronavirus, Reuters reports. The bank also has an employee in China with the virus who is in a st ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-06

A dollar a month rent for a shop, anyone?

Don't you wish you're a landlord?  Once you've got a property to rent out, you won't have to work anymore. You can just laze around all the days of your life while your tenants work themselves to deat ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-05

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