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【EJFQ信析】美股強勢有暗湧 醒目錢先行避險

港股在期指結算日發威,恒指昨天埋單報17043點,續飆418點(2.52%),12月份的失地全部收復,能否避過 ...全文


美股強勢有暗湧 醒目錢先行避險

港股在期指結算日發威,恒指昨天埋單報17043點,續飆418點(2.52%),12月份的失地全部收復,能否避過 ...全文


How Hong Kong can boost startups and AI applications

After missing for a week and experiencing typhoon No. 9 and black rainstorm in early October, the 17-year-old student from Diocesan Boys' School, was finally found alive and was safe, everyone couldn' ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-21

監管機構有效利用科技 可促金融業發展

繼JPEX事件後,又爆出HOUNAX的虛擬貨幣交易平台騙案,香港虛擬資產投資騙案接踵而來,究竟是監管機構出了問 ...全文


金融科技監管 值得借鑑星洲

繼虛擬資產交易平台JPEX事件後,又爆出另一平台HOUNAX涉嫌詐騙。香港虛擬資產投資騙案接踵而來,究竟是監管 ...全文


Smart buildings will be the fabric of the Greater Bay Area

With buildings now at the center of corporate thinking on sustainability, there is a keen appetite for modern, environmentally-friendly building designs – and nowhere more so than here in the Greater ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-06

【價值工房】看準疫後復常中成藥契機 金活醫藥可望延續佳績

經歷長逾三載的新冠疫情,於相關藥物治療後,大眾對康復後調理身體,並且能否「固本培元」的關注日增,所以中藥在市場 ...全文


Reducing water pipes leakage requires departmental collaboration

Water leakage in the public water networks is a perennial problem. Mainland media reported in 2021 that the leakage rate of water pipes in some cities and towns reached 30%, and the public water suppl ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-29

三大業務 推動智慧工作模式

前身為富士施樂(香港)的富士膠片商業創新,2021年4月起改為現時名稱,以突顯集團將持續追求業務創新;而富士膠 ...全文



早前撰寫了兩篇《印度絕非池中物》系列文章,因過去數周的種種時事變遷而有所中斷,但系列尚未完場。以下乃三部曲的最 ...全文


Geospatial intelligence fosters synergies

There are a number of new proposals put forward on the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong in this year's Policy Address, I would like to offer my views as follows: 100 smart city in ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-13

How China can save the world-and itself

China’s model of economic growth has been a resounding success. With its focus on export promotion, capital investment, and technological catch-up, it has lifted some 800 million people out of poverty ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-03


科技急速發展,影響力滲透人們日常生活的每一個角落。從流動通訊、固網電話、光纖寬頻到電視節目,科技的運用是我們與 ...全文


More babies, by hook or by crook!

Is Hong Kong doing enough to encourage people to have more babies? That would possibly be Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu’s next report card to President Xi Jinping who wants more babies. This week P ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-01

Indoor navigation helps people get out of the maze

Surveys found that the average European and American spends 90% of his life indoors, and the situation is similar for Hong Kong people with most time being spent at home, office, school or shopping ma ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-01

NOVO LAND第2A期將加推不少於93伙

多個新盤相繼公布最新部署,新地(00016)屯門兆康大型住宅項目NOVO LAND第2A期,將於日內公布新價單 ...全文


Predicting growth with AI: The key to Hong Kong business success

Hong Kong has been steadily advancing its AI development in data analytics for businesses. The city recognizes the transformative potential of AI and has taken proactive measures to foster its growth. ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-31


恒生指數公司宣布與總部位於美國的指數公司Wilshire Indexes開展長期合作,把恒指公司的指數覆蓋範圍 ...全文



中風一直是國際公共衞生層面上備受關注的議題,如何預防、降低風險更是重中之重。在中風出現前,部分病人或會有俗稱「 ...全文


Green property tech is emerging

The inaugural Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 2023 (“the Challenge”) came to a successful conclusion in July this year. As one of the judges, I was very happy with the creative solutions of the par ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-24

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