... ark、Acton Town及Turnham Green,上述4個地鐵站除Turnham Green屬倫敦運輸 ...全文
... ame a new town in 1961, with a similar proportion of the population aged 65 and above. She found that Yuen Long is less accessible than Tsuen Wan. For example, there are fewer weatherproof pathways (1 ...More
EJ Insight2023-09-25
元朗雖被稱為「大西北」,隨着近年快速發展,交通配套日益完善。鄰近YOHO Town的光明英來學校是74校網大熱 ...全文
... 加哥西鎮(West Town)街頭拍攝當地的持械搶劫情況,現場距離市中心商業區10分鐘車程。當時一輛黑色多用途 ...全文
... lk of the town for years, people expected that one day vehicles could travel automatically to anywhere as directed without any human intervention under all conditions during the journeys. According to ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-29
元朗YOHO Town 3座高層F室,實用面積393方呎,2房間隔,叫價613萬元,減價4.2萬元,以608. ...全文
... 的城市海灘露天劇場(Town Beach Amphitheatre),準備與朋友一起觀看澳洲對英格蘭的女足四強 ...全文
元朗YOHO Town 1期9座低層B室,實用面積545方呎,3房間隔,早前以740萬元放售,獲家庭垂青,議價 ...全文
... g to this town? Or rather more people going out this year? One doesn’t need to be a scientist to figure out that retail outlets and restaurants are bleeding. Times Square, the iconic shopping arcade i ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-09
元朗YOHO Town 2座低層E室,實用面積516方呎,3房間隔,月租叫價1.7萬元,以1.6萬元租出,實用 ...全文
... as;堅尼地城的K Town Bar and Grill及Jaspas,以及跑馬地的Little Lucie' ...全文
元朗YOHO Town 9座中層H室,實用面積422方呎,採2房間隔,以1.4萬元租出,實用呎租約33元。 美 ...全文
元朗YOHO Town 1座高層C室,實用面積393方呎,2房間隔,早前以688萬元放售,及後獲新盤向隅人士洽 ...全文
... a的My home town。五六十年代的英文歌,真好聽!」 當年1毫子能吃一碗雲吞麵,他吃少一碗麵去聽兩首歌 ...全文
... 上榜的George Town,就在區內多個歷史建築物外牆,擺設一系列佔地極少、以鐵枝構合、命名為Marking ...全文
元朗YOHO Town 2座高層E室,實用面積516方呎,3房間隔,月租叫價1.7萬元,議價後以1.6萬元租出 ...全文