
共 20 個結果

Beyond borders: Exploring 2024 Asia Pacific payment trends

... rrencies (CBDCs) next year to facilitate real-time cross-border payments and settlements. Whilst this is unlike retail CBDCs which cater to everyday transactions, it signifies a step forward for the f ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-15

Hong Kong to re-enter world market through the Middle East

... rrencies,(CBDCs) between Thailand, China and the UAE, which will also boost tech innovation. The project uses experimental ledger technology to create a platform for the issuance and exchange of CBDCs ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25


... 本上的央行數碼貨幣(CBDCs)、代幣化銀行存款和穩定幣等數碼貨幣的使用、滙款條件的標準。 香港穩定幣最大價值 ...全文


Collaboration is paramount for CBDC development

The emergence of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) has been exponential over the recent couple of years. While the merits of CBDCs are still widely debated, central and commercial banks are explori ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-04

中國引領數碼貨幣發展 港添機遇

... 自家的央行數碼貨幣(CBDCs)。 無縫互動 便利貿易 能夠獲得多國參考,部分原因是由於內地採用比較務實方法, ...全文



Swift宣布其相互連接的央行數碼貨幣(CBDCs)解決方案於試驗中取得顯著進展,參與合作測試的18間中央銀行 ...全文


Year of Rabbit: Leaping into a bumper year for digital payment

... rrencies (CBDCs), for use in the metaverse. This emerging technology could have a transformative impact on APAC economies, with the metaverse having the potential to have its own digital economy with ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-02

The trilemma of central bank digital currencies

Central banks around the world continue to contemplate issuing their own digital currencies (CBDCs). Some have already taken steps in this direction. The People’s Bank of China launched a trial of its ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-11

Yes, crypto still matters

... rrencies (CBDCs). But the global digital-currency race that matters is not about the values that are being transferred; it is about the rails that will convey those values between parties, especially ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-08

What’s the crypto regulation endgame?

... rrencies (CBDCs). But this is something of a non sequitur. Although CBDCs are likely to include privacy features for small transactions, larger transactions will almost certainly require individuals t ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-08

Paving the way for the new digital economy through CBDC

... eans that CBDCs can be programmed with rules for use as needed. CBDC can be designed to be used for consumer purposes only, with a set expiration date, and can be used to distribute consumption vouche ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-18

Digital currencies: Cryptos, CBDCs and the future of payments

... encies or CBDCs to make purchases in the next five years. Consumer demand is only one piece of the puzzle, with merchants being the other side of the coin. Non-crypto merchants may want to accept cryp ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-22

Will central bank digital currencies doom dollar dominance?

... ncies, or CBDCs, will transform the status quo. In this brave new digital world, any national currency will be as easy to use in cross-border payments as any other. This will not only erode the dollar ...More

EJ Insight2021-08-12

Digital assets go mainstream

... rrencies (CBDCs) to ease the cost of managing fiat and to facilitate better data analytics. Any other digital asset types? Asset-backed tokens such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and utility tokens hav ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-28

What 2021 holds for payments in Asia

... ital won. CBDCs uses blockchain tokens to represent fiat money in digital form and they would act as a replacement for notes and coins, providing better security, reducing fraud and lowering costs. An ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-20

Ethereum wallet app Argent rides DeFi wave in Asia

... rgence of CBDCs become a boost for decentralized cryptocurrencies and services like Argent? A: This is hard to say. On one hand, central bankers getting involved in digital currency validates some ele ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-27

Institutions’ top 3 crypto remains Bitcoin, Ether, XRP: BC Group

... rrencies (CBDCs). USDC, the second-largest US dollar-pegged stablecoin after Tether (USDT), reached a US$1 billion market cap this July, 21 months after its launch by the Centre Consortium, an organiz ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-22

Sweden testing first central bank digital currency, e-krona

... rrencies. CBDCs are traditional money, but in digital form, issued and supervised by a country’s central bank. By contrast, cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are produced by solving complex math puzzle ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-21

More central banks look to issue own digital currencies: BIS

... rrencies (CBDCs), Reuters noted. CBDCs are traditional money, but in digital form, issued and governed by a country’s central bank. By contrast, cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are produced by solvin ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-24

Why central bank digital currencies would ruin cryptocurrencies

The world’s central bankers have begun to discuss the idea of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and now even the International Monetary Fund and its managing director, Christine Lagarde, are ta ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-20


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