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FINI平台啟用 國鴻氫能搶飲頭啖湯

港交所(00388)首次公開招股結算平台FINI(Fast Interface for New Issuanc ...全文


Did the Fed rein in inflation?

... e Bank of New York, such disruptions peaked in December 2021, and have been declining steadily since April 2022. It seems that the “invisible hand” of the market, which had gone missing during the pan ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-21

Opportunities brought by the ageing population

... so brings new opportunities, and if the human resources of the elderly are well utilised, it may alleviate the problem of Hong Kong's shrinking labor force after the epidemic. The solution is to encou ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20

A rebalancing between city, suburbs and countryside

... owloon to new towns and other areas within the New Territories. Specifically, 21.8% of migrants have made this move, surpassing the reverse migration flow into city centres, which constitutes only 16. ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20

摩登日菜回歸 鮮美新派刺身

... 港全景下,品嘗招牌的New Style Sashimi(新派刺身)。 於香港麗晶酒店原址重新開業的「Nobu ...全文


疫情影響消散 申洲望否極泰來

... 已視此為新正常情況(New Normal),並結束去庫存階段,下單已正常化,相信對公司業績有正面影響。 申洲自 ...全文


Justice for street vendors

... way for a new bus system. Authorities gave prior notice and an indemnity to help with the loss of business, but did not address the real problem: the lack of trading space. Street vending is a legitim ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-17

COP28 must focus on the climate-fueled health crisis

... anding to new regions. Yet, despite 27 years of annual climate-change negotiations, world leaders still refuse to acknowledge the urgent need to phase out fossil fuels. Despite overwhelming evidence t ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-16

Why China’s FDI flow turns negative

... i Shimbun newspaper reported that Mitsubishi Motors would end auto production in China after 11 years. It sold just 32,000 vehicles in China last year, down 50 per cent from the 2021 figure. The reaso ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-16


... 派國會議員組成的組織New Conservatives,聯合主席凱茨(Miriam Cates)及克魯格(Da ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月16日

Why China's FDI flow turns negative

... i Shimbun newspaper reported that Mitsubishi Motors wou ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月16日

A victory lap for the transitory inflation team

... ly to the new demand patterns, so prices increased. Recall that we initially experienced a car shortage, simply because there was a shortage of computer chips – a problem that took 18 months to correc ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15

GOLDWAY EDU-NEW(08160) 公司資料報表

GOLDWAY EDU-NEW(08160) 公司資料報表(759KB, pdf) ...全文


GOLDWAY EDU-NEW(08160) 董事名單和他們的地位和作用

GOLDWAY EDU-NEW(08160) 董事名單及其角色與職能(456KB, pdf) ...全文


GOLDWAY EDU-NEW(08160) 更換董事或重要行政職能或職責的變更 / 更換審核委員會成員 / 更換薪酬委員會成員

GOLDWAY EDU-NEW(08160) (1) 獨立非執行董事變更; 及 (2) 董事委員會成員變更(5 ...全文


The attention economy goes to court

...  set up a new iPhone, Apple could prompt you on which search engine to use as the default in its Safari web browser. But it doesn’t; it simply selects Google automatically. Of course, one can go into ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-14

希臘最大在野黨分裂 再數十成員退出

... 聯盟被執政新民主黨(New Democracy)以逾一倍的得票率重挫後,前總理齊普拉斯(Alexis Tsip ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月14日

GOLDWAY EDU-NEW(08160) 中期業績

GOLDWAY EDU-NEW(08160) 截至二零二三年九月三十日止六個月的中期業績公告(1MB, pdf ...全文


The economic consequences of the Gaza war

... e), and a new moderate center-right or center-left government focuses on resolving the Palestinian issue and pursuing normalization with Saudi Arabia. Unlike Netanyahu, this new Israeli government wou ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-13

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