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From four NOes to four YESes

...  noes”, a sharp contrast to the four pursuits – baby, dog, car and home – in Hong Kong in the golden 80s. A document issued by the Guangzhou Communist Youth League circulating on the Internet pointed ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-13

In Britain, three million use food banks

...  that the sharp rise in inflation has resulted in a fall in their real income and demand wage increases to compensate. The government has been unwilling or unable to meet many of their demands. The bi ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-13

In Britain, three million use food banks

...  that the sharp rise in inflation has resulted in a fal ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年07月13日


台灣鴻海集團旗下電子產品製造商聲寶(Sharp,又稱夏普)全年錄得大幅虧損,外電引述消息人士表示,鴻海董事長劉 ...全文


The will, but not the way, to increase Japan’s defense budget

...  owing to sharp divisions on the matter within the Japanese electorate. Nonetheless, in the face of threats such as North Korea’s nuclear program and Chinese revisionism, public support for deepening ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-04

A mild global contraction is coming

... as slowed sharply and inflation remains stubbornly high (above the OECD average). And the United States suffered a sharp slowdown in the first quarter even as core inflation (which excludes food and e ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-28

“Brexit has failed”

... romised a sharp increase in spending on the National Health Service after leaving the EU. But a report on the website of the British House of Lords says: “The latest NHS vacancy statistics found the t ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-15

"Brexit has failed"

... romised a sharp increase in spending on the National He ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年06月15日

2023 Banking sector turmoil: It’s not déjà vu all over again

... dy been a sharp drop-off in CRE lending activity, which could have a negative impact on the availability of credit to businesses, especially those in the commercial real estate sector. Tech Ecosystem ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-25


... 普(Richard Sharp)描繪成大鼻子,厚嘴唇的富豪,身攜一個盒子,當中有一隻魷魚伸展其黏糊糊的觸角,和 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年05月24日

Dollar relief for the global south

... lagued by sharp capital-flow reversals as investors sought higher yields in the United States, these countries are now also contending with increased debt-servicing costs following the dollar’s dramat ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-12

China’s consumption triangle: A possible trinity

... ided with sharp declines in China’s shipments to the United States. A few scenarios worth considering, in the case of a growth slowdown (but no recession) in the United States and Europe, China’s expo ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-02

瞞報助約翰遜貸款 BBC主席請辭

英國廣播公司(BBC)公信力再受打擊,主席夏普(Richard Sharp)前年獲政府任命主席前,沒有主動申報 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月29日


英國廣播公司(BBC)主席Richard Sharp周五(28日)宣布請辭,並稱違規行為並非故意和不重要,辭職 ...全文


Roger Sharp深信職場兜轉機遇無限
曾任英內閣顧問 棄政從商情歸保柏

... 事務總監Roger Sharp屬後者;來自紐西蘭的他,早年飄洋過海加入英國政府,曾任內閣官員特別顧問,其後棄政 ...全文



連尼加能反勝BBC總裁戴維,一貫好形象居功至偉,BBC卻剛好相反,主席夏普(Richard Sharp)曾被揭 ...全文



... 主席Richard Sharp尚未獲得委任期間,曾經為當時首相約翰遜斡旋,取得80萬英鎊私人貸款,因此目前他仍 ...全文



... 普(Richard Sharp)早前被揭發,曾向約翰遜安排提供八十萬英鎊貸款擔保,隨後獲委任主席一職,涉嫌利益 ...全文


連尼加停職風波升級 BBC節目大亂
同事罷工嘉賓杯葛齊聲援 總裁道歉拒請辭

... 普(Richard Sharp)。他被任命前曾協助時任首相約翰遜取得80萬英鎊私人貸款,有利益衝突之嫌,正接受 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月13日

The inflation picture gets murkier

... ns moving sharply upward. Markets now expect the Fed to raise rates above 5%, and some observers even anticipate a rise toward 6%. Either way, investors will have to navigate many more hurdles for man ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-10

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