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Be a mouse, not a lion: How to negotiate with China

When Western leaders or companies negotiate with China, they should be a mouse, not a lion. “Remember the Chinese proverb – two ears, one mouth – talk less and listen more. Endure silence.” This is th ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-30

Be a mouse, not a lion – how to negotiate with China

... proverb – two ears, one mouth – talk less and listen mo ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月30日

賽馬股市一線牽 芒格智慧此中尋

... chance in two of winning and which pays you three to on ...全文


The Imperative role digital coupon plays in the retail industry

... nsists of two parts - the brand journey and the purchase journey. The brand journey resembles a marathon, it takes time to build from awareness to brand loyalty. On the other hand, the purchase journe ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-27

What steel decarbonization needs

... currently two options: furnaces that rely on low-carbon hydrogen to strip oxygen from iron ore; and novel electrochemical processes that can do so with electricity. Variations of the hydrogen-based op ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-23

真鷹vs扮鷹 市場心裏有數

... 一點點雙向政策風險(two-way policy risk),市場「獸性」勢必變本加厲,為抗通脹製造麻煩。明乎 ...全文


What we can do about food insecurity

... on. Up to two million of those children die every year, and climate change and violent conflict are making the problem even worse. Over the last decade, CIFF has invested over half a billion dollars i ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-22


... ope, over two-thirds of firms in East Asian countries, ...全文



... 幅巨型抽象油畫,命名Two Figures(Heroes),與《幼兒》相隔24年,題材卻一樣。油畫是Hepwo ...全文


Did the Fed rein in inflation?

... ear that, two years ago, US policymakers underestimated inflation risks. Moreover, interest-rate hikes did not rein in inflation through the usual causal route – that is, by driving down output and em ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-21

After seven years away, Cameron’s appointment shocks Britain

... World War Two to return to the Cabinet in another post. From 1970 to 1974, Alex Douglas-Home also served as Foreign Minister after having been Premier from 1963 to 1964. Cameron brings many skills to ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20

A rebalancing between city, suburbs and countryside

... more than two decades now – a phenomenon enabled by the liberating effects of technology, cutting the ties that used to restrict people across the world to a single (and usually city centre-based) wor ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20


... 這亦是採用雙重認證(Two-Factor Authentication,簡稱2FA)的原因。 雙重認證是在傳統 ...全文



... ──生命無take two! 撰文 : 占飛   ...全文


A victory lap for the transitory inflation team

... more than two years ago, economists quickly divided into two camps: those who blamed excessive aggregate demand, which they attributed to large recovery packages; and those who argued that the disturb ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15

Bonds as the gateway to understanding the stock market

... s are not two independent entities. If we are to understand the outlook for the stock market, it is necessary to look at the bond market to get a sense of where we are heading. Bond market turmoil Bot ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15

Bonds are back

... more than two-thirds of gatekeepers believe fixed income will reclaim its long-held role as a portfolio diversifier to stock volatility. Nine in 10 gatekeepers cite a peak in the rate hiking cycle as ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-14

約翰遜提短期撥款議案 美眾院共和黨強硬派反對

... 的兩步短期開支議案(two-step continuing resolution,CR),國會無法達成撥款共識 ...全文


The economic consequences of the Gaza war

... cepting a two-state solution. Accordingly, the Palestinian issue festers; normalization of diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia is frozen; Iran remains a destabilizing force in the region; and the U ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-13

離開投行學烹飪 近年創保健品牌

... 洲保險,與高瓴資本及Two Sigma合作,支持成立虛擬保險公司Avo,向來關注保健事務的Stephanie獲 ...全文


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