
共 1919 個結果
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Expanding roles for robots under the epidemic

... e Greater Bay Area to grasp this opportunity. The Hong Kong government is taking this issue seriously, as Science Park has already established research and developments platforms Health@InnoHK and AIR ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-26

Expanding roles for robots under the epidemic

... e Greater Bay Area to grasp this opportunity. The Hong ...全文

今日信報時事評論Amy Liu Mei-heung2020年09月26日

Will home market keep the winning roll beyond 2020?

... lude Deep Bay and Repulse Bay. Ip suspected that the businesses of some of these pretty well-off people must have been much affected by the violence last year and the epidemic this year. In some cases ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-16

The dream of flying and traveling again

... e Greater Bay Area – including Macau - because of the complicated quarantine arrangement. Still some of my friends are going to China in summer despite the double 14-day quarantine arrangement when Ho ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-09

Made by Hong Kong

... f Greater Bay Area integration. A recent consultancy study by Lingnan University for the Chinese Manufacturer’s Association of Hong Kong addresses that topic, and makes for fascinating reading. Using ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-04

JC Penney賣盤磋商陷僵局 債權人擬提購

... 商Hudson’s Bay。 另外,集團債權人代表律師Joshua Sussberg稱,債權人正考慮獨自提出收 ...全文



... 灣(Bristol Bay),要求採取額外措施保障當地生態環境。三文魚漁業是當地重要經濟支柱,居民和野生動物亦 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年08月25日

綠墩雅苑低密度 戶型多元化

... 酒店(Marina Bay Sands)和濱海灣花園(Gardens by the Bay)。 綠墩雅苑距離花 ...全文


Goodbye, Topshop and others!

...  Causeway Bay, following the footstep of J. Crew in February. GAP will also wind down five outlets, keeping only three. Who cares about buying new clothes anyway, especially when “work from home” domi ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-19

GBA hurt by Cold War, pandemic and protests

The ambitions of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) has been badly hurt by the Sino-U.S. Trade War, COVD19 pandemic and year of protests in Hong Kong. The GBA remains the strategy of the central government fo ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-17


... Klettsvik Bay),稍後將會正式「入住」面積達3.2萬平方公里、由「海洋生物基金會」與鯨豚保育組織( ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年08月12日

The pivotal role of 5G in Hong Kong’s economic future

... e Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong has notable room for both the development and application of 5G solution. For example – consider the idea of ‘Smart Traffic’. Having practised “right-hand traffic” for mo ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-11


... 據報承租觀塘One Bay East東座花旗大廈樓面,並擬將位於港島東區的辦公室遷上址。 上月租賃95%樓面屬 ...全文


How to turn the pandemic into utter misery for the less well off

... d Greater Bay Area. Apparently partially opening the border to the Mainland is way more pressing than helping the poor put rice in their bowels and way more pressing than doing something positive to a ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-10

J.C. Penney債權人促潛在買家提高競投價

... 商Hudson’s Bay組成的財團。 J.C. Penney、Simon Property、Brookfie ...全文


老牌百貨店Lord & Taylor申破產

... 元,向Hudson Bay收購Lord & Taylor的商店、品牌和電子商務網站。Le Tote曾計 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年08月04日

美最老牌百貨Lord & Taylor申破產保護

... 價格從Hudson Bay手中收購該公司的商店、品牌和電子商務網站。 由於新冠肺炎疫情影響,Lord & ...全文



... (Argentia bay)中的美國巡洋艦奧古斯塔號,與英國戰艦威爾斯王子號相遇,美國總統羅斯福與英國首相邱吉 ...全文



菲律賓總統杜特爾特發表國情咨文,提議透過外交途徑,化解南海問題,並暗示反對讓美軍在蘇碧灣(Subic Bay) ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年07月28日

Why HK$10,000 isn’t good enough

...  Causeway Bay on June 4 for the annual vigil to commemorate the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown. Protests are also lined up for the anniversary of the handover on July 1. There is no way the cash hand ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-24

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