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Music stars pay tribute to rock 'n' roll icon Chuck Berry

... ll as the Beach Boys and scores of other acts – even Elvis – covered Berry's songs. "If you tried to give rock 'n' roll another name," Lennon once said, "you might call it 'Chuck Berry'." Berry's deat ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-20

酒店巨子 私人美術館

卡記早前在邁阿密看Art Basel in Miami Beach,到附近藝術區域參觀也是遊人的重要活動,尤其 ...全文



... 美國加州的Long Beach突破自己,刷新此前的紀錄,成功坐上3.42米高、特製水翼板上的凳子,靠船隻於前方 ...全文



... 同名城區Bondi Beach,本文報道的邦迪緊靠其南邊,郵區編號同樣是2026。 中港移民少於1% 邦迪總人 ...全文


專才及大學生進駐 催旺租務

... 迪海灘(Bondi Beach),其南邊緊貼着的邦迪(Bondi)城區,時尚消費熱點近在咫尺,加上距離悉尼中央 ...全文


The American public against Trump

... ant Miami Beach or lower Manhattan to be underwater. Labor standards: Trump's choice for Secretary of Labor, Andrew Puzder, is a CEO in the fast-food industry. Never mind that he uses crass sexual ima ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-29

Law student drowns after falling off rubber boat

A 20-year-old law student drowned off Shek O beach after falling into the sea from a rubber boat. The woman, surnamed Tang, was brought to Eastern Hospital where she was pronounced dead, Apple Daily r ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-28

衞星博覽 搶佔先機

Art Basel in Miami Beach在本月初落幕,這個季節美國不少地方都進入嚴冬,邁阿密依舊和暖, ...全文


Truck plows into German Christmas market; at least nine dead

... along the beach front, mowing down people who had gathered to watch the fireworks on Bastille Day, killing 86 people. That attack was claimed by Islamic State. Police at the scene told German media th ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-20

Art Basel Miami Beach直擊二
後選舉時代 藝術政治化

今屆Art Basel in Miami Beach,觀眾最關注的並非畢加索、米羅或安迪華荷的作品,而是那些直 ...全文


Art Basel Miami Beach直擊之一

上星期在陽光明媚的邁阿密海灘旁邊,新一屆的Art Basel In Miami Beach正式開展,打頭陣的是 ...全文


Japanese man leads campaign to clean up HK beaches

A Japanese man has become sufficiently bothered by the extent of rubbish being washed up on our beaches that he flew over to Hong Kong to help in cleaning them up. Hiromasa Suzuki, 31, arrived on Nov. ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-06

Seafood and other delights in Sok Kwu Wan

... Shing Yeh beach as well the wind farm Lamma Winds. On a trip to the island, I opted for Sok Kwu Wan, which has a relatively quieter bay. During colonial times, it used to be referred to as "Picnic Bay ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-25

Mainlanders draw netizens' ire over crabs at Ma On Shan beach

Several Mandarin-speaking men were seen gathering tiny saltwater crabs at the Wu Kai Sha beach in Ma On Shan – and eating them raw. That's not only bad for the ecological balance of the place but also ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-18


... 身材的,便不能錯過「Beach Body」,沙冰混合了椰子水的冰粒、葵花籽、大麻籽、靈芝粉末、紅棗和杏仁醬,為 ...全文


毗鄰金門公園 生活便利

... 最接近的Ocean Beach,連接北太平洋,經年浪濤洶湧,為滑浪熱點,附近有不少酒店及滑浪用品出租店。 日落 ...全文


三藩市日落區 樓價日不落
矽谷I T客進駐 求過於供水位足

... oMa及South Beach等)摩天商廈林立,既是商業中心,亦是新住宅供應集中地;而西面的D1(列治文區,R ...全文


Bangladeshi torture claimant denies charge of indecent assault

... nt to the beach to play the mobile game Pokémon Go. Then a South Asian man in his swimming trunks suddenly approached her and grabbed her by the waist, asking her to have sex with him, she said. She t ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-01

三地混血 兼收並蓄

... tato Head Beach Club,或由戰前舊樓改造而成的新加坡Potato Head Folk,還是整 ...全文


Secrets of Hong Kong's most beautiful bay

... e, golden beach that stretches along craggy hillsides. Along the coast are four smaller bays -- Tai Long Sai Wan, Ham Tin Wan, Tai Wan and Tung Wan -- in the shadow of Sharp Peak, the most treacherous ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-14

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