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... 及19日舉辦The Beach Boys演唱會。筆者的流行音樂口味不包括The Beach Boys,而且一向 ...全文


Is it me, or is there too much fawning over Singapore?

... the South Beach Hotel would have no objections. Big data works best in a small city. Look at how well Singapore organised itself to farewell its founder, Lee Kuan Yew, when he died in March. Lee left ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-31

Taiwan tour guide stops Chinese tourists from stealing pebbles

...  from the beach at Sansiantai, a famous scenic spot in southeastern Taiwan, despite an official notice forbidding it. When the tourists were getting on a bus to leave, the innkeeper wrote, he saw the ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-31

HKU proposes heritage status for 170-year-old stone marker

... g Hom Kok Beach in southern Hong Kong Island has long been neglected, he said. [Chinese version中文版] -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/JP/FL ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-16

Top US pop artist sued over US$2 mln photo used in painting

... ting on a beach with an easel, which Gray said is "nearly unchanged and in its entirety" from his photo. Gray is also suing New York-based auction house Phillips Auctioneers and an as-yet-unnamed form ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-15

觀光客少 環境寧靜舒適

... reshwater Beach,名氣雖然及不上香港旅行團幾乎必到的邦迪海灘(Bondi Beach)和曼利海灘 ...全文


海灘「私有化」 日日在度假
悉尼豪宅區 樓價200餘萬

... reshwater Beach。 全世界的海濱城區樓價不便宜,Freshwater亦不例外,獨立屋樓價中位數接 ...全文


Bernanke, Trichet, Brown join PIMCO advisory board

... e Newport Beach, California-based bond investing firm in April. The board also includes Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank from 2003 to 2011, and Gordon Brown, the British pri ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-08

Sharp Island North overtakes Hoi Ha Wan in coral coverage

... ing Coral Beach in Hoi Ha Wan (海下灣), which took the top spot in last year's study at 79.4 percent but only managed a 72.3 percent coverage this year, Ming Pao Daily reported. Marine ecologist Law Him- ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-07


... 的 Gangnam Beach,務求呈現最真實韓國風味。 佐酒食物由韓籍老闆和韓籍大廚主理,少不得的韓式炸雞、 ...全文


The hidden wonders of Chi Ma Wan Peninsula

... heung Sha Beach is found along the coast, while Sunset Peak and Lantau Peak can be seen at a distance. On your way down, you will reach the Rocky Forest, where you can find all kinds of rocks. There a ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-21

悉尼曼利海灘 南太平洋風情

... (Northern Beaches),同樣有著名的曼利海灘(Manly Beach),其名氣不下於旅行團必到的 ...全文



... das Dunas的Beach Park。 這個水上樂園至激之處,就是那條有14層樓高(約41公尺),斜到似垂 ...全文


BYD is not alone in the e-bus world

... from Long Beach Transit in California was a landmark deal for BYD in the United States. BYD indeed has a head start on other firms. Not many companies are making commercial EVs. Big European brands li ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-13

Hong Kong tourist drowns at Langkawi trying to save his children

A 50-year-old tourist from Hong Kong drowned off a beach at the Malaysian resort archipelago of Langkawi while trying to save his two children who fell into the sea, Ming Pao Daily reported Friday, ci ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-13

Smuggler panics, dumps 5 HK-bound migrants in Shenzhen

... meisha, a beach in Shenzhen, saying they had been delivered to Hong Kong as promised, then fled. “In spite of all our efforts, we are back to Square 1,” one of the five illegal immigrants said to the ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-09

西澳洲柏斯Hamilton Hill升值潛力優厚

... 釣熱點Coogee Beach,項目還鄰近風景如畫的公園、學校、餐廳、咖啡店等,而Jandakot Airpo ...全文



... 條Brighton Beach Avenue,逛着逛着,忽有一佔地數頃、賣書賣禮品的龐然大店「聖彼得堡」,迎面 ...全文



... 字Brighton Beach——這,正是法國《快報》紐約特刊寫的〈海灘俄羅斯〉。 地鐵Q線「本地車」,走呀走 ...全文


三界和諧 當代峇里菜

... 行政總廚Conor Beach及來自峇里的印尼籍主廚I Wayan Mustika聯手設計餐牌,在這裏我們既可 ...全文


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