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Ocean View Rd.分層戶低水

... reshwater Beach或海濱的物業如Ocean View Road等黃金地段的房子,因享靚景,必然搶手 ...全文



... :Sun of a beach放緩一下! 撰文 : 占飛   ...全文


How Erdogan used FaceTime and social media to foil coup bid

... iday at a beach when the coup was launched on Friday. Within hours, he spoke to CNN-Turk via FaceTime to inform that he was safe and calm, and to call on the public to take to the streets to defy the ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-18

Polish exchange student, 21, drowns off Sai Kung

... m Tin Wan beach on Saturday afternoon.    She had come to Hong Kong from Warsaw and worked as a student trainee at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) under an exchange program. Sources said  ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-18

Mainland medical waste found at Lantau beach

Lantau Island has seen large amounts of medical waste wash up on a beach, posing a health risk to local residents, according to a concern group. The medical waste is believed to have originated in Chi ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-13


... 島奇兵》(Boom Beach)。款款遊戲皆免費任玩,收入全賴出售林林總總的道具。信不信由你,願意把真金白銀換 ...全文


Democratic Party says ICAC revamp could be related to UGL probe

... part in a beach-cleaning activity on Sunday. Li reportedly tendered her resignation last week after she was stripped off her appointment as deputy commissioner. -- Contact us at [email protected] EL/AC ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-11

City livability: the best in China and the world

... btropical beach city on Hainan island; Dalian (大連), a port city in northeastern Liaoning province; and Weihai (威海), a picturesque town formerly leased as a British enclave in Shandong. The China Insti ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-11

High Junk Peak: Challenging, yet manageable

... ay Second Beach to take KMB bus 91 or green minibus no. 103, 103M, or to walk to Po Toi O and take green minibus no. 16. Time: About four hours Reference: Government website with map This article appe ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-08

Mainland garbage swamping Hong Kong beaches

Tons of garbage have been washing up on Hong Kong from the Chinese mainland, prompting the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to tighten monitoring of beaches and coastal areas. EPD said it has ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-08

What's the fuss, says elderly man who swam 14km in the sea

... ay Second Beach and apparently got lost at sea. Following an alert from his family, authorities launched a search operation. He was eventually found at around 9 pm the same day, calling for help from ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-06

Tuen Mun beach closes after 2-foot-long shark caught

A two-foot-long shark was spotted at Butterfly Beach in Tuen Mun on Thursday, prompting officials to close the area, Sing Tao Daily reports. The shark was first found trapped in the shark net but it d ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-24

Tencent's Supercell deal is not Lenovo's IBM PC acquisition

... ans, Boom Beach and Clash Royale. However, these invisible assets are fragile. Brand or talent can disappear quite easily. Certainly, there are bright spots in the deal. Lenovo has suffered since smar ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-23


... 、CoC、Boom Beach和Clash Royale這四大名作,皆令全球玩家如癡如醉,所以這品牌下次出新g ...全文


Pro-EU British MP shot dead, Brexit campaign suspended

... ke on the beach with her arms straight and her knees up and blood all over the face," Hichem Ben-Abdallah told reporters. "She wasn't making any noise, but clearly she was in agony." Cox's husband Bre ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-17


... 島奇兵》(Boom Beach)、《卡通農場》(Hay Day)及皇室戰爭(Clash Royale)。 軟銀 ...全文


罕有新加坡市中心City Gate商舖
龐大客源 升值潛力優厚

... 面向市中心繁華路口的Beach Road,前面是龐大交通流量的繁忙街道,華麗的玻璃幕牆櫥窗及概念店,定能吸引顧 ...全文



... 」的活動──去海灘(Beach)、划船(Boating)和燒烤(Barbecue)。 周末跟朋友、家人揚帆出海 ...全文



... 加洲Newport Beach 的Research Affiliates,一家專注研究資產配置的金融機構。事實 ...全文


加州紅木國家公園 走進魔戒精靈森林

... 鱉的Enderts Beach Road、有13個清晰主題的Lady Bird Johnson Grove N ...全文


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