
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...150

Reforming Hong Kong for the better: Economics and finance

... ation and court procedures, to facilitate trade financing and cross-border resource flow. Whilst Hong Kong does not have control over capital movement, capital gains and dividend income tax, it can an ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-12

Help or hindrance?

... wo of the Court of Final Appeal’s British Non-Permanent Judges have resigned, ostensibly because they felt that their continued membership lent legitimacy to a legal regime of which they disapproved. ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-06

China will pay high price for supporting Putin’s invasion

The longer Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine goes on, the higher economic and diplomatic price China will have to pay for supporting him. On March 16, at the International Court of Justice in The H ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-24

China will pay high price for Putin's invasion

... rnational Court of Justice in The Hague, the Chinese ju ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年03月24日

海牙國際法院裁定 俄須由烏撤軍

聯合國最高法院海牙國際法院(International Court of Justice,ICJ)裁定烏克蘭勝 ...全文


Home Ownership Scheme 2022 portends the future of land sources

... y Kei Wah Court in North Point, and Kwun Shan Court in To Kwa Wan, are both located in the core urban districts with exorbitant land prices. The former is the first project on the Hong Kong Island eve ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-09


司法機構呼籲市民提防一封經由電郵賬戶「Hong Kong High Court <judiciary.h ...全文


The EU’s antitrust lessons for America

... ut the EU Court of Justice (ECJ), in its Google Shopping judgment last November, showed that it would at least ensure that EU competition policy does not ban this practice across the economy. In its r ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-07

倫敦Mile End新舊交融四通八達
半小時抵金融城 醫生律師租客多

... con Works Court 405室分層戶,去年6月以62.5萬英鎊(約654萬港元)易手,較2005年7 ...全文



... 」(Supreme Court)而非「高等法院」(High Court),因為以香港本土而言,它是處於頂級的。 ...全文


司法機構籲市民慎防偽冒電郵 已就事件報警

司法機構呼籲市民提防一封經由電郵賬戶「Hong Kong High Court <hk-judiciar ...全文


Over the hill and over the top

... h Supreme Court judges should no longer sit in Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal. Someone who professes to be a historian should first ensure that he gets his facts correct. Contrary to William Hague’ ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-01


... 旗下大埔白石角海日灣Court B第2座11樓A室,實用面積877方呎,3房間隔,成交價1480.1萬元,呎價 ...全文


The EU Court punts on the rule of law

... w, the EU Court of Justice (CJEU) has ruled that it may. Yet while the ruling has been hailed as a major victory for the rule of law, it might turn out to be a hollow one. Rather than taking a princip ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-22


... 廳或他們的Food Court飲本地咖啡。 所謂本地咖啡亦即是南洋咖啡,是用平價及高咖啡因的Robusta咖啡 ...全文


鄰近市中心 藝術氣息濃 通街有食神

... Constable Court 45號室分層戶,去年11月以30萬英鎊(約314萬港元)易手,較2013年5月 ...全文


Tinkering with justice

... ng Kong’s Court of Final Appeal. The NPJs are the cream of the judiciary drawn from the major common law jurisdictions, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as well as the UK and bring massive breadth of ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-31

How much has the pandemic cost?

... e Supreme Court ruled that the state had more rights than indigenous people. As the late anthropologist David Graeber and his co-author David Wengrow show, the ideas of freedom and equality that guide ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-28


... 倫敦物業Ryder Court。公司預期,就出售事項將確認未經審核除稅前收益約400萬英鎊。 ...全文


Cryptocurrency in divorce proceedings

... ntempt of court, risking a fine and even potential imprisonment. There may be indicators of undisclosed cryptocurrency, based on disclosure already given, or from a party's knowledge. There may be wea ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-20

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