
共 94 個結果
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香檳與Hip Hop文化碰撞時

... tton Moet Hennessy),當中已經包含了集團的最核心商標名字,但其實集團旗下同時擁有多個品牌,珠 ...全文


紅褲仔回巢救亡 帶英特爾闖雲端高峰
農民之子變晶片開發專家 VMware轉型大功臣

... 家漢尼斯(John Hennessy)當時正是他的碩士顧問導師。 格爾辛格在英特爾逐漸受到器重,他開發8038 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2021年01月23日


... 代廣場及灣仔One Hennessy作據點,擬大展拳腳,但去年已分別棄租及撻租,在港開業未夠半年已撤退。 採訪 ...全文


科學研究 有多嚴謹

... 長的John L. Hennessy,一邊擔任史丹福校長,一邊當谷歌和思科系統的董事。他積極鼓勵和協助史丹福的 ...全文



... 菲斯克(Molly Hennessy-Fiske)憶述,她上周六與另外十多名記者行家站在一團報道示威情況,儘管 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年06月01日

旭輝113萬租灣仔One Hennessy

... 仔新落成商廈One Hennessy中高層全層單位,獲內房旭輝集團(00884)以月租近113萬元租用,呎租約 ...全文


健身集團租華懋One Hennessy

... 全新甲級商廈One Hennessy逾2萬方呎舖位,市場估計月租約為120萬元。 華懋集團執行董事兼行政總裁蔡 ...全文


Police defend moves on Jan 1 march, deny arbitrary arrests

... branch on Hennessy Road in an attempt to hijack what was supposed to be a peaceful public event organized by the Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF), less than two hours after it began, the Hong Kong Econ ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-03

商廈舖位陷寒冬 新盤交投攀高峰

... 華懋旗下灣仔One Hennessy 7層,可租用面積共約8.3萬方呎,月租逾739萬元,成為2019年該類營 ...全文


地產行程 12月18日

... 古廣場港麗酒店7樓 Hennessy Room 1500 中原(工商舖)年結及展望地點:尖沙咀麼地道66號尖沙 ...全文


LVMH同意 盡職審查快展開

... 路易威登與Moët Hennessy酒業合併成LVMH的阿爾諾(Bernard Arnault),他目前為集團 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月08日


... (LV)和Moët Hennessy(MH)兩大品牌合併而成,但雙方老闆不足一年就意見不合鬧翻,身為共同朋友的 ...全文


March turns into bloody clashes between protesters and police

... atives on Hennessy Road underneath the Canal Road Flyover in Causeway Bay. Protesters surrounded the driver, who then left his car and fled. Protesters thrashed the vehicle with iron stocks and wooden ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-30

Dozens arrested after clashes break out on streets, MTR trains

... d through Hennessy Road to Central and set barricades along various throughways on Connaught Road Central, Harcourt Road and Des Voeux Road Central, seriously paralyzing the traffic on Hong Kong Islan ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-02

Forty-four held after Sunday's protests in multiple locations

... geways of Hennessy Road near Causeway Bay and blocked the roads by using fences, causing serious traffic obstruction,” a government statement said. “After that, some protestors proceeded to block Glou ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-05


... 項目落成,即One Hennessy(31.5萬方呎)、K11 Atelier King’s Road(48. ...全文


Why luxury goods shops have reason to worry

... ted along Hennessy Road which is a key protest route. Overall, it is too early to tell how Hong Kong's retail sector will be affected by the latest street protests, strikes and other disturbances. But ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-02

Protesters gather at DOJ building after ending police HQ siege

... etreat to Hennessy Road near the Southorn Playground. According to RTHK, several demonstrators were subdued on the ground, while some others were pushed against the wall and frisked. Some demonstrator ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-27


... 董事會主席John Hennessy在會議開場演詞中稱,毫無疑問,公司肩負愈來愈重要的責任,即確保研發的技術能 ...全文


Anti-extradition march: A day to remember

... y Bay and Hennessy Road as they walked from Victoria Park to government headquarters to convey to the Carrie Lam administration, and its backers in Beijing, how angry the people are against proposed e ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-10

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