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... 東部市郊Chino Hills的7-11便利店賣出;另外兩張來自田納西州和佛羅里達州。 至截稿前,主辦方尚未宣 ...全文


音樂為家 溫馨共嘗

...  Adelaide Hills等。 駐場DJ Arun R與Romi Behl把黑膠唱片的文化帶到餐廳。Aru ...全文


Beverly Hills unit in Tai Po sees 30% valuation loss in 4 years

A property at the upscale Beverly Hills housing complex in Tai Po has fetched a valuation that is nearly 30 percent lower compared to what the owner paid for the unit four years ago. In a secondary ma ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-11

33萬港元買細戶 回報10厘

... 5丁目的Urban Hills Musashi Sunagawa,1989年落成,樓高5層,共40伙,步行至武 ...全文


Looking beyond Suu Kyi's victory: war, drugs, racial conflicts

... ) and the hills of Shan. Some of the soldiers were children. At night, hilltops were set aflame and an orange glow lit up the sky for eight hours. By morning, spent bullets littered the streets of C ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-28

墨爾本Doncaster East大型屋苑 罕有10年租保 反應熱烈 現加推第二期

... 抵Beverley Hills Primary School,為學童提供優質的教育。 Doncaster E ...全文


Devil's Peak: Kowloon's fortress hill

Most people would think of hiking as an arduous activity that involves climbing steep hills and trekking rugged paths in the middle of nowhere in the New Territories, usually on a Saturday morning. It ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-07

墨爾本Doncaster East大型屋苑 罕有提供十年4.5厘租金保證

... 抵Beverley Hills Primary School,為學童提供優質的教育。 Doncaster E ...全文



... oldstream Hills時聽見那個Yarra黑皮諾路邊社消息代言人Keith說,區內釀黑皮諾新星是剛入主 ...全文


第一站Yarra Valley酒莊

... ld Stream Hills以黑皮諾出名,早就被集團收購,他們的酒莊門市特別有生意眼,備有一專為新加坡、香港 ...全文


FIFA's Blatter says he won't quit amid Swiss probe

... rs in the hills above Zurich on Monday afternoon and told them he was not going to quit because of the investigation. "President Blatter spoke to FIFA staff today and informed the staff that he was co ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-29


... 到時髦的Surry Hills吃泰國菜,Longrain原來是老字號,我們3個女人坐在飯堂式的公眾長枱一端,先 ...全文


Northern California in state of emergency after deadly wildfire

... ns in the hills north of Napa Valley wine country. The Valley Fire has consumed more than 40,000 acres since erupting Saturday afternoon in rural Lake County, California, about 50 miles west of Sacram ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-14


... (Adelaide Hills)、芭蘿莎谷(Barossa Valley)等。 [email protected] ...全文


US flyer's war journal gives new insight into HK resistance

... ed in the hills of Sha Tin, with Japanese troops in pursuit.  Kerr's wartime exploits give a fresh insight into a facet of the Pacific war thanks to his son David who collaborated with a Hong Kong gue ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-07

Hong Kong's fading beauty breaking the heart of Francis So

... and green hills making for an interesting patchwork. “That's Hong Kong’s unique feature. Most other cities are built on plains. Although they might have some similar scenes as Hong Kong’s, Hong Kong s ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-18

How Gurkhas kept illegal immigrants out of Hong Kong

... he remote hills in the Sai Kung area were inaccessible by road. Those assigned there were dropped off by helicopter and had to remain there for the entire tour. Regardless of heat, rain or cold, there ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-20

More mainland money enters Taiwan property market despite curbs

... rrounding hills and the river below. Over 40 per cent of the buyers of the apartments are mainlanders, after the project was extensively marketed in mainland cities and Hong Kong. When the public lear ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-10

How the Chinese military can help ease HK's land woes

...  to blast hills in nearby Ho Man Tin to make land. If one looks at the area, there is a large land plot – in fact, bigger than PolyU’s current campus – that lies to the west of the university. Featuri ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-27

American e-musician moves to Hong Kong for his kids

... xt to the hills and the beach, and we often go hiking and surfing, but it just takes us 30 minutes to get to downtown, and that’s what I love Hong Kong most.”  Recently, Hong Kong has undergone a lot ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-20

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