
共 2353 個結果
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Travel deficit during Christmas and possibly more

... the small island with 7.3 million was a record high, up 15.6 per cent from the pre-pandemic level in 2019. While many locals were having hot springs and sashimi in Japan, nearly 90 per cent of these o ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-27

Credit ratings and climate chaos

The sun-drenched coral islands and reefs of the Maldives are in existential danger. With 80% of the country’s population living just one meter above sea level, many islands could become uninhabitable ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-21

COP28達協議 首籲推動化石燃料「過渡」

...  of Small Island States)認為,協議未提出加強糾正氣候暖化的全球行動。生物多樣性中心(C ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年12月14日


... 「長島」(Long Island),面積約是濱海灣(Marina Bay)的兩倍,會起得高一點,有助抵擋海平面 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2023年11月30日

A rebalancing between city, suburbs and countryside

... Hong Kong Island and Kowloon to new towns and other areas within the New Territories. Specifically, 21.8% of migrants have made this move, surpassing the reverse migration flow into city centres, whic ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-20

COP28 must focus on the climate-fueled health crisis

... and small island developing states – often bear the brunt of climate-related health risks. Given the urgency of the threat we face, the current pace of global efforts to reduce emissions is insufficie ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-16


... Al Marjan Island的施工進展順利,相信該項目會成為阿聯酋不容錯過的旅遊目的地。 ...全文


大溫住宅上季旺市不旺價 仍贏全國
加息窒礙置業欲 第四季交投看淡

... 寶雲島(Bowen Island),樓價報144.44萬加元(約814萬港元),按季升4.1%,幅度為大溫各城 ...全文



... 中業島(Thitu island)附近試圖從菲律賓軍艦前方穿過時,距離菲律賓船艦一度只有350碼。 布勞納在聲 ...全文



... 爾島(Jekyll Island)。經過一輪商討,聯儲局的概念就此誕生,到了1913年由總統威爾遜簽署成聯邦儲 ...全文


Not Destined for War

... ainst the island by China. Maintaining the status quo requires deterring Beijing while avoiding the provocation of supporting de jure independence for Taiwan. War is a risk, but it is not inevitable. ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02

Applying Chinese wisdom To resolve the Taiwan issue

From one standpoint, Taiwan, an island 2,000 kilometers off the China coast, is insignificant, recognized as a sovereign state by a mere 12 countries. Most of the 193 member states of the United Natio ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02

How to make Hong Kong more walkable

... ess, heat island effect, noise, and more, a total of eight perspectives to form a Walkability Composite Index for a more comprehensive assessment. These new elements are particularly relevant to the a ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25

紐西蘭大暴雨 女皇鎮疏散百人

... 的南島(South Island)部分地區過去幾天持續下大雨,南島最南端的布拉夫(Bluff)已於周四(21日 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年09月23日

金正恩結束俄行程 後續訪華否惹關注
海參崴參觀戰機導彈等軍備 登上護衞艦

... 斯島(Russky Island),先後到訪位於島上的遠東聯邦大學及濱海海洋水族館。遠東聯邦大學為俄羅斯其中一 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年09月18日


... 味,特別Osney Island狹窄的泰晤士河支流兩旁,新舊歷史交替。例如這裏有一個小水壩,早於1227年英王 ...全文


Will Terry Gou become Taiwan’s President?

... lacks the island-wide political organisation of the other three candidates. His bigger problem – like the other two opposition candidates – is exactly how he would improve relations with Beijing, end ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-08

Will Terry Gou become Taiwan's President?

... lacks the island-wide political organisation of the oth ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年09月07日

Preventing a US-China War

... nvade the island before its “porcupine” defense advances too far. America should also state clearly that it opposes any Taiwanese move toward formal independence, and it should avoid high-level visits ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-29

譜奏峇里情懷 東南亞精緻宴

... 計靈感如林中寶藏的「Island of Desires」,充滿東南亞特色,基酒為伏特加,配搭茉莉花、椰子及新鮮 ...全文


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