
共 2353 個結果
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Could Taiwan choose Gou Tai-ming of Foxconn as President?

In next January’s election, could Taiwan voters choose Terry Gou Tai-ming, founder of Foxconn, as their next president? The island’s most famous businessman is campaigning to be the candidate of the o ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-09

Ukraine and Taiwan: Can China square the circle?

... cause the island has been part of China since ancient times. This sounds quite similar to Russia’s justification for its invasion of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, in February 2022 as ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-02

廣島G7峰會前 日遭密集網攻
黑客「預演」阻斷 政府企業頻死機

... 宇品島(Ujina Island),來往宇品島的車輛將會被截停檢查,警方亦將與海上保安廳合作制定方案,應對任何 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年05月02日

全能歌王 仙樂飄散

... 他在電影《日光島》(Island In The Sun, 1957)內與白人女星Joan Fontaine發生 ...全文


Good use of caverns will increase our land reserves

... Hong Kong Island. Among them, 11 locations are in Hong Kong Island and are distributed in Mount Davis, Braemar Hill, Pokfulam and Ap Lei Chau. 31 sites are distributed widely in the New Territories, i ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-24

Beijing warns Taiwan people

... round the island this month and its warm reception to a visit by former KMT President Ma Ying-jeou. On April 12, the DPP chose Vice-President William Lai Ching-te as its candidate for the election, to ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-20

Beijing warns Taiwan people

... round the island this month and its warm reception to a ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年04月20日


... pressible Island)選址奠基,當時預計2022年建成,但建設暫停了一段長時間。美國智庫戰略與國際 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月20日


... Granville Island),買了些用野牛做的香腸,早上煎熟做早餐,不僅我吃得過癮,從多倫多來的小孫子都 ...全文


Is Taiwan worth defending?

... efend the island in the event of “an unprecedented attack.” But almost immediately after Biden spoke, White House officials backtracked, insisting that US policy on Taiwan had not changed. While the 1 ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-14


英語有云,「No man is an island」。在科技急速發展的當今社會裏,人與人之間聯繫更為容易,亦至 ...全文


MIAMI QUAY展覽廳親子互動天地開幕 錄千人到場

... 全新「Jungle Island親子互動天地」專區,並於復活節假期開幕,更邀請Club Wheelock、恒地 ...全文


美國硬打「台灣牌」 中歐關係見微調

... 島(Palawan Island)南端外海的巴拉巴克島(Balabac Island),靠近牽涉多國主權爭議的 ...全文



... 島(Balabac Island)。菲律賓總統府新聞辦公室在聲明中形容這些地點「合適且互利」。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月04日


... 滕島(Staten Island)審訊。在2020年總統選舉,特朗普在該選區獲得57%選票。 支持者力挺 兩日 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月03日


... 時裝品牌Stone Island在2018年中起租用,當年月租22萬元,已較其前租戶法國時裝品牌agnès b ...全文


Which HK district is most defensive in home rental?

... Hong Kong Island recorded the largest decline among the 35 major housing estates with the middle-class favourite Taikooshing down nearly 20 per cent in February, as compared to December 2019. The invi ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-29

Fear of China attack will help DPP to retain Taiwan presidency

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said it was preparing weapons and equipment to combat a total blockade of the island by China. Last week Taiwan newspapers put on their front pages images of nine ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-23

Reimagining development

...  38 small island developing states (SIDS), whose share of the world’s population is just under 0.2%. Individually, these countries, which account for 0.1% of global GDP, look minuscule in terms of lan ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-22


筲箕灣ISLAND RESIDENCE中層C室,實用面積約499方呎,2房間隔,獲外區用家垂青,議價後以102 ...全文


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