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悉尼Glenhaven樓價破頂 漲幅冠全城
疫情加息無阻升勢 放榜一鳴驚人

... 落在Araluen Place 7號的偌大獨立屋最近放盤,物業連前後院佔地4966方米(約5.35萬方呎),可 ...全文


Hong Kong to re-enter world market through the Middle East

... th to 9th place on the United Nation’s frontier technologies readiness index, demonstrating that the city’s progressive policies, investment, and long-term commitments are on the right track. Our proj ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25

What is there to love about Hong Kong

... call this place their home for almost a century. The Brit who landed in this city fifty years ago as an aspiring civil servant, who has now retired to a life of modest, rustic comfort in Sai Kung. The ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-18

In Xi’s China, security trumps economy

... difficult place to do business. We were seeing a massive politicisation of business. In the first six months of 2023, we saw a very strong emphasis on ideology -- President Xi mentioned Marx far more ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11

Colour blind

... onvenient place to sit and consume their container of tasty noodles. The shop became so well-known for its food and its clientele that an unknown artist painted amusing pictures of cartoon figures on ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-07

The Austine Place舖位2.2億放售

... e Austine Place基座商舖,以2.2億元放售,叫價較約半年前大削1億元。 有線電視大樓9單位叫九千 ...全文



... West Side Place第三座及第四座,以及倫敦金絲雀碼頭Aspen at Consort Place) ...全文



... 場Cardinal Place,我與女友就在那兒的連鎖餐廳Brasserie Browns一家倫敦分店吃晚飯, ...全文


信置多賺2% 末息增至43仙

... E CENTRAL PLACE,以及黃竹坑海盈山已獲發預售樓花同意書,集團預期有一個住宅項目將於新財政年度獲發 ...全文


越式庶民美食 昇華河粉配方

... 。 位於荔枝角D2 Place的「Chill Vietnam Cuisine & Bar 」,以越南中 ...全文


Hong Kong is losing its appeal for Westerners

... n the new place and put their children in school. Not a ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年08月26日

Hong Kong is losing its appeal for Westerners

... n the new place and put their children in school. Not all will return.” A second reason is the National Security Law (NSL), which has affected the law, journalism, publishing, creative arts, liberal a ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-24

How automation keeps enterprises ahead of the curve

... tion? One place to start is by implementing and adopting consistent and agile infrastructure, which can reduce complexity and decrease operational costs. These strategies can encompass critical areas ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-22

The right way to intervene in clean tech

... as put in place a wide range of industrial policies that support the development and deployment of green solutions. For example, the US Inflation Reduction Act openly encourages reshoring by offering ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-17


... TIME、THIS PLACE,這時、這地,即在這時、這地的本地藝術家如何『在香港創作』及『創作香港』,希望藉 ...全文


西倫敦Ealing 居民滿意度勝首都
交通便利得人心 「郊區女王」綠化高

... 位於Fairlea Place一個低層單位,實用面積570方呎,1房間隔,今年3月以30.5萬英鎊(約304萬 ...全文


Hong Kong needs to protect its image as financial center

... ce was in place to underpin the city’s competitiveness. Separately, the government had been withdrawing certain books from public libraries after the security law was in place. In May 2023, such effor ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-07

The right way to intervene in clean tech

... as put in place a wide range of industrial policies that support the development and deployment of green solutions. For example, the US Inflation Reduction Act openly encourages reshoring by offering ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-07

Investment theory in practice

... the marketplace over time. Betting on individual stocks was best left to gamblers, insiders with special information, or those who truly believed they had special insights into the business cycle. But ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-03


... 牌店雲集的凡登廣場(Place Vendôme)和平街(Rue de la Paix),該區近年多次發生持械搶 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月03日

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