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丹尼爾基克 名留邦史

... 半島(Wirral Peninsula)居住;16 歲時,他被國家青年劇院(National Youth Th ...全文


Reddit帖文掀炒風 鈾礦股狂飆

... 上。其中,澳洲鈾礦商Peninsula Energy周一股價爆升逾31%,Energy Resources A ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年09月15日

紐西蘭現本土確診 全國封城

... oromandel Peninsula)周三午夜起實施為期7天的居家避疫令,全國其他地區則為3天,所有學校、商 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global新冠肺炎2021年08月18日


... 屬公司只是聯洲國際向Peninsula International Ltd(一家由聯洲國際當時的主席的家族所擁 ...全文


情迷香草 越南芫荽

... dochinese Peninsula)的越南芫荽,植物高度由15至30厘米不等,如果生長環境理想的話,最高紀 ...全文



舖市轉旺,發展商亦把握時機出貨,會德豐地產發展的油塘單幢項目PENINSULA EAST基座商舖,以3.1億元 ...全文



... Greenwich Peninsula及和黃的Convoys Wharf分別位於此兩區內。 零稅新盤 外倫敦選 ...全文


How to keep wheels turning as we go in and out of workplace

... dapted -- Peninsula Hong Kong launched an innovative marriage celebration offering, allowing couples to share their special day with more friends and family digitally despite restrictions. No matter i ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-29

火箭人貝克 不惜食言撼馬斯克
自學追夢創Rocket Lab 研大型可再用推進器

... 亞半島(Mahia Peninsula)建造發射台。 由於從未上過大學,貝克除了自學火箭科技,還要自行摸索做生 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2021年03月20日

大航海時代 尋覓多香果

... 島(Yucatán Peninsula),不加糖的可可與多香果混合的飲品,或許與雲呢拿更加配合。 居住於北美洲 ...全文


Adelson made Macao, Macao made Adelson

... acao. Its peninsula and Taipa are now a forest of skyscrapers – glitzy casinos and high-end hotels and resorts. The Venetian, a 39-storey casino hotel with 980,000 square metres, is the largest hotel ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-26

法廚之寶 香料龍蒿

... 島(Iberian Peninsula,即今西班牙、葡萄牙),就將這種植物帶到西歐地區繁殖耕種。   大抵 ...全文


澳洲去年最貴洋房佔兩席 造價迭創傳奇

... outh Head Peninsula的Vaucluse,距離悉尼市中心9公里,是三面環海的半島城區,西面和北 ...全文


Nature has much to offer in return if it is protected

... alifornia Peninsula alone, marine ecosystems generate $518 million in annual tourism revenues and directly account for at least 3,575 jobs. Given Chile’s extensive coastline, the possibilities are muc ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-25


... 等於聯洲國際為了資助Peninsula International Ltd(一家由聯洲國際時任主席的家族所擁有 ...全文



... 等於聯洲國際為了資助Peninsula International Ltd(一家由聯洲國際當時的主席的家族所擁 ...全文


HK one of the safest places on the planet amid Covid-19 outbreak

Members entering the Pure Yoga studio at the back of the Peninsula Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui have their temperature taken first at the entrance of the building and a second time when they enter the studi ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-16

N Korea abandons nuclear freeze pledge, blames US sanctions

... e divided peninsula and by imposing sanctions, he said. "As it became clear now that the US remains unchanged in its ambition to block the development of the DPRK and stifle its political system, we f ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-22

Macau is paradise but HK is hell for mainland tourists

...  rates of Peninsula and Shangri-la hotels. The crowds flowing into Macau also include a lot of Hongkongers, but of course. But I'm sure many Macanese are also coming to our city to stay away from the ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-20

How building new key roads can cut congestion

... e Kowloon Peninsula and connect West Kowloon to the new developments in Tseung Kwan O. Formerly a fishing village, Tseung Kwan O now houses around 400,000 people. After the construction of Trunk Road ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-02

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