
共 3000 個結果
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The way we speak about our youth is fundamentally flawed

There are few societies in which I am as conscious of my age, as in Hong Kong. “A twenty-five year old…”, “A youth academic”, “A youth writer”… So on and so forth, you get the gist and I get the drill ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-03

What is love?

“Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove” Shakespeare once quipped. But in my eyes, love must necessarily alter when it alteration finds. For love ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-02


... ,登記買家為黃心穎(Wong Jacqueline);據悉,黃氏正以月租約2萬元,租住該屋苑一個高層2房單位。 ...全文


The Ukraine war one year on

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going on for a year. As Russian troops look to be mobilising for one last hurrah, and as Ukrainian troops – riding on a ceaseless tidal wave of NATO equipment ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-24

The dangers of not knowing history

History is boring. We get it. I get it. Indeed, there’s a reason why certain politicians and goons enjoy piling on history – it’s because history is defenseless in face of the more exciting, animated, ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23

Côte by Mauro Colagreco

... 酒癡Cecilia Wong,她叫了一瓶Domaine Eric Bordelet的Pear Cider,並請 ...全文



... 黃英賢(Penny Wong)亦警告境內大學不要與中國孔子學院建立任何新夥伴關係。 破獲伊朗在境內監控 奧尼爾 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年02月15日

'The Lottery'

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. A story that revolves around a tradition in a small town – “The Lottery”, which, through a purely random mechanism of arbitrary selection, arrives at a particular ind ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-14

It’s high time to drop all masks

For Hong Kong to be truly back, we must go maskless – now. Dropping the inane mask requirement is a necessary but insufficient part of Hong Kong’s trek towards normalisation. The following makes the c ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-14


... an, Kenny Wong填詞:冬誠𤍤 Lyricist:Oscar主唱:洪嘉豪 Vocal Artist: ...全文



... 醫生(Carmen Wong)所說「從醫的意義除了在於醫病,更在於醫人,因為有人的元素,無論是讀醫還是行醫都不 ...全文



... 黃英賢(Penny Wong)及防長馬爾斯(Richard Marles),就多項國際議題交換意見。會後發表的 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年02月04日

Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

... nist of a Wong Kar Wai movie, or a sign-spinning virtuoso. Yet in this life, she is a middle-aged, frustrated housewife – trying her very best to adapt and learn the very skills she needs to protect h ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-03

An effective introduction to effective altruism

A few months back I sat down with a couple of friends from a leading university in Hong Kong – and we had a terrific, electrifying chat about how we could bring Effective Altruism (EA) to the city. Ma ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-03

Measuring the worth of an educator

What makes a good teacher? How do we measure the successes of an educator? Some say, it’s to do with the number of A*s and As (or 7s, 8s, and 9s) these teachers churn out. Others suggest that it’s ref ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-27

On the Monterey Park shooting

11 people. 11 lives lost at the hands of a shooter. Another 10 wounded. A shooting that occurred in a city known for its large Asian population, coinciding with the Lunar New Year festivities. One amo ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-26


... 出,新買家為王祖藍(Wong Cho Lam),與知名藝人王祖藍中英文名相同,料為同一人。據悉,新買家需要繳付 ...全文


Jingoism, nationalism, and goons

A nation that trumpets its own success, that heralds its ostensibly inevitable trajectory towards greatness, and that frames its relations with competitors and rivals as one defined by a moral hierarc ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-17

On media, tech and geopolitics

I was invited to address the Harvard-Sciences Po Conference last Saturday; the convenors had wanted a keynote on the intersection of media, technology, and geopolitics – and thus I obliged, with a for ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-16


... 黃英賢(Penny Wong)亦訪問中國。 煤炭進口取決於中企 中國駐澳洲大使肖千【圖】昨日在澳洲首都坎培拉舉 ...全文


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