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細節藏心思 擴展空間感

... 計師 : Tony Wong(A Square Ltd) 設計主題 : 現代簡約   撰文:黃紫慧 jacki ...全文


夫婦同心 闡揚玩具藝術

... y之父」Kenny Wong(王信明)的徒弟,他鼓勵及指導我如何把圖像變成立體藝術,製作玩具和雕塑,未幾創立自 ...全文


On navigating Oxbridge interviews

The Oxbridge interviews process can seem daunting – and there are many urban legends perpetrated in relation to how they are conducted, for what exactly they are conducted, and the calibre of candidat ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-25

會議紀錄放鴿 官員多倡減慢緊縮

... 美國經濟師Anna Wong直言,會議紀錄意外地偏鴿,雖然局內廣泛同意放慢加息步伐,但對利率峰值仍未有共識。聯 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月25日

Learning to punch above one’s weight

To undertake tasks for which one may not be viewed as sufficiently equipped. To be asked to step up to challenges that are above one’s “pay grade”, “age range”, and out of one’s comfort zone. These th ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-24


... 知名甜品師Tony Wong主理,造型取材自皇都戲院的「飛拱」屋頂,看起來恍如恐龍骸骨,下面是一客外表鮮紅色的 ...全文


Restoring some semblance of normalcy to Sino-America relations

There is a bitter irony to the fact that what could wel ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年11月18日

The death of compromise politics

There’s a saying in politics – a stance made public is a stance that one would never adopt. This is because, what one says in the public is one thing; what one professes to embrace in private quarters ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-16

Restoring some semblance of normalcy to Sino-America relations

There is a bitter irony to the fact that what could well have turned out to be the most pivotal partnership in the 21st century – the core pillars that would undergird the world’s response to existent ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-15

無藍碼被拒參賽 內地網球手索償23億

... Frederick Wong各賠償9000萬元。 院舍擬准多於1親屬探訪住客 此外,社署指考慮大部分院舍員工 ...全文



... 凱(Terence Wong)屬同名同姓;「摸魚」為《香港投資日報》創辦人,以開投資講座起家,早年曾任護士,其 ...全文


For Hong Kong to be back, it must fully reopen

This past week has been a rarity of sorts in Hong Kong – with the FinTech week, Financial Summit, a summit on the city’s relations with ASEAN coalescing around the same five days or so, and the Rugby ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-03

Vienna waits for you

My second favourite Billy Joel offering – save from the (in)famous ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’ – is ‘Vienna’. The lyrics begin as such: Slow down you crazy childYou're so ambitious for a juvenile For a ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-28

妨礙證監搜查 黃敬凱罪成下月判刑

... 凱(Terence Wong)屬同名同姓;「摸魚」為《香港投資日報》創辦人,以開投資講座起家,早年曾任護士,其 ...全文


Taking the voices of Hong Kong youth seriously

One of the questions I get asked most frequently is, “How can we help the youth of Hong Kong?” Alternatively, “Is there hope still for the youth of Hong Kong?” The standard answers by many to such que ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-27


... 經理Anthony Wong表示,是時候買入旅遊和休閑板塊的股票,例如免稅店和連鎖酒店。此外,投資組合中的重倉 ...全文


What makes or breaks a nation?

The answer seems obvious. After all, it has everything ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年10月22日


... (Anna May Wong),她是第一張登上美元錢幣的亞裔臉孔。《紐約時報》報道,鑄幣局預計鑄造3億枚刻有黃 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年10月21日

What makes or breaks a nation?

The answer seems obvious. After all, it has everything to do with the economic strength and political endurance of the state, surely. The more resilient the economy, the more capable it is at deliveri ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-20

債市守護者攪局 環球股滙興風浪

... 博總經濟師Anna Wong認為,較低的潛在增長,令去年及今年的過熱情況可能較大家所知為高,聯儲局或要加息更多 ...全文


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