
共 3000 個結果
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REITs: A powerful tool for customizing real estate allocations

... en at the city level in some instances. REITs can also be used to meet a target mix of property types. If an investor’s direct real estate assets primarily include office and apartments assets, but th ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-08

聯儲局減息機會降 金價跌逾1%

... 對金價有支持作用。 City Index高級分析員Matt Simpson表示,美國債務上限談判若傳出不利消息 ...全文


The dangerous fixation over purging all things Western

... over this city’s competitiveness on the world stage, and a fundamental sense of disconnect between the youth and those in positions of power? Forget about them, these voices tout, for the ‘West’ is th ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-03

海港城展出黑白笑臉相 網民尖酸批評

藝術這回事素來主觀,尖沙咀海港城近日發起名為「Inside Out:Harbour and the City」 ...全文


星樓市加辣 海外買家印花稅翻倍

... 應聲下挫,城市發展(City Developments)股價一度挫6%,是2020年10月以來最大單日跌幅;華 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月28日

Hong Kong’s recovery: New parochialism and ways to tackle it

... es to the city were welcomed by those who believed in its future and its continued integration with China. Thanks to the security crackdown, we now have a less disruptive system, especially in the Leg ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-27

Hong Kong’s recovery: Greatest threat is parochialism

... ny of the city’s international residents and businesses who demonstrated their confidence in the future of Hong Kong by choosing to stay despite the turbulence of the last few years. However, much of ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-27

Hong Kong migrants in UK wait for 2.2 billion pounds in pensions

...  left the city. This view was reiterated by Christopher Hui, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, during a visit to London last week. He was there to promote opportunities in Hong Kong’s ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-26

University Hill周六賣160伙

... 鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰,亦在本周六推出5個高層2房戶招標。由4月25日起至5月7日,經美 ...全文



由鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰近日持續售出單位。美聯物業為樓盤推出「五一黃金周置業優惠」。 美 ...全文


Beijing warns Taiwan people

... ew Taipei City and a former Director-General of the National Police Agency. On April 5, Terry Gou, billionaire founder of Foxconn, said that he would seek the KMT nomination, for a second time. “The o ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-20

Beijing warns Taiwan people

... ew Taipei City and a former Director-General of the Nat ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年04月20日

睿峰售兩單位 套逾2037萬

由鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰兩日(18日至19日)共錄2宗成交,成交價合共逾2037萬元。 ...全文


紐約富豪34萬個 全球最多
港跌至第七 京滬進佔前十

...  Chi Minh City,82%)。 摩納哥人均擁千萬美元 新世界財富研究主管Andrew Amoils表 ...全文


截查毒品快餐車 男警遭拖行擦損

屯門市中心V city商場地下落客區,昨日上午10時許發生「瘋狂駕駛」事件,一輛懷疑運毒的「毒品快餐車」被警員 ...全文


Will the banking busts hurt clean tech?

...  New York City now requires buildings larger than 25,000 square feet (roughly 2,300 square meters) to meet strict decarbonization targets. With fines potentially reaching millions of dollars per build ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-18

倫敦Waltham Forest樓價升幅贏首都
Leyton打造活力社區 宜居之選

... Stratford City,購物中心樓高3層,商舖超過300間,除時尚品牌店和馬莎百貨,還有各式食肆、酒吧、 ...全文


伯明翰體育瀉三成六 洽售球會紓資金壓力

... irmingham City PLC(BCP)其中24%股權,而持有伯明翰體育23.53%權益的東霓,則會悉售 ...全文



伯明翰體育(02309)公布,該公司與一名潛在買家就集團出售Birmingham City PLC(BCP)約 ...全文



10年前city'super開始售賣西班牙火腿,其中Joselito Iberico Ham被很多名廚形容為世 ...全文


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