
共 3000 個結果
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Hong Kong’s competitive edge in post-Covid talent competition

The challenge of talent retention is gaining traction in the City’s policy dialogue for post-covid economy recovery. Per statistics from Census and Statistics Department, the City witnessed a net popu ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31

大多倫多旺市滙聚人才 樓價仍低水
都會中心所在 跨國企業進駐

... 對低水,比多倫多市(City of Toronto)平逾8%,在政府長遠發展政策幫助下,旺市的樓市發展潛力優厚 ...全文


加息後一手沽5伙 連續3天錄單位數

... 鼎珮管理、Twin City持有的長沙灣睿峰西翼17樓H室,實用面積438方呎,昨天以1149.2萬沽出,呎價 ...全文


India’s road to urbanisation

... n a Smart City Mission to build 100 smart cities across the country, which was originally scheduled to be completed last year but postponed to June next year. The ambitious plan aims to improve infras ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-25


... 任務」(Smart City Mission),原定去年竣工,因疫情延至今年6月。該項計劃立意宏大,希望全方位 ...全文


《Disney 100:Travel Together with Harbour City & LCX》

... h Harbour City & LCX》。多個打卡場景遍布海港城與LCX,亦有超過30個不同系列的迪 ...全文


紐約期金價格升1.25% 創6周高

... 幅達到1.55%。 City Index and Forex.com分析員Fawad Razaqzada表示, ...全文



... em of the City of Detroit與特斯拉達成協議,結束相關訴訟,條件是馬斯克及另外3名董事退 ...全文


In Britain, three million use food banks

... ay is The City, one of the richest places on earth. Such is the wealth gap in Britain.” These banks give free food to those who do not have enough money to buy it. At the end of March, the Trussell Tr ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-13


... ond及Party City破產後,穆迪預期美國零售和服裝業將爆發更多債務違約。穆迪報告指出,信貸環境收緊和消 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年07月13日

In Britain, three million use food banks

... ay is The City, one of the richest places on earth. Suc ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年07月13日


... 成。更將新加坡「A City in a Garden」的綠化及可持續發展理念,發揮得淋漓盡致。 在商場內可找到 ...全文


美滙創兩月低位 鎊滙見15個月高

... x.com and City Index主管Matt Weller指出,多名聯儲局官員強調加息,但市場認為加息 ...全文


China’s smart city challenge

... the smart city market led by the Chinese government will be US$21.4 billion, up 21% from 2021, and is expected to approach US$40 billion by 2026. What are the main objectives to be achieved with the h ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-11


... 量720毫升,進口商City Super Limited。 中心發言人說,接獲進口商通報,指上述產品或因酒瓶內 ...全文


HK should follow Singapore to export smart city experience

... nology in city development and management, aiming at transforming urban cities into smart and sustainable ones, building smart cities has become a common objective globally. It is timely for the Hong ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-05

倫敦Palace and Hurlingham享泰晤士河景
凱特王妃駕臨添貴氣 住宅入場費卻親民

... 元),為包含倫敦市(City of London)與32個倫敦自治市的大倫敦(Greater London)中 ...全文


Learning from the tram business

... good publicity. That explains why it is getting more sponsors. Next month, for example, would see the Bank of China Hong Kong, China Merchants, China Resources, China Travel and China Pacific Insuranc ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-28

Connecting geo-locations to unlock data value

Many countries including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Japan are facing the problems of an ageing population and declining productivity, smart city has become their best solution. Research institute ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-27


... 資企業Energy City Logistics Company(ECLC)。 位於沙特阿拉伯東部省份的SP ...全文


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